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Higron, Rodin

this Corellian gambler and privateer won the ownership of the planet Oasis in a crooked sabacc match. He travelled to the planet to see how oxite was mined, but was impressed with the ability of the Riders of the Maelstrom to pick off passing ships and pirate their cargo. Higron set up his own base of operations on Oasis, much to the chagrin of Big Jak Targrim and the Riders. Higron felt that competition was the galactic way, and soon was making his own profits. Higron was a quiet supporter of the Alliance, so he only preyed on Imperial craft. The increased scrutiny of Imperial losses angered Targrim, and he vowed to capture a starship and ram it into the planet Oasis. He nearly succeeded, capturing the famed Kuari Princess as it exited hyperspace. However, the timely interaction of a group of Alliance operatives on the ship avoided the disaster.
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