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Rumor: Characters In New Continuity Will Be 'Based On' Characters From The EU

Posted by Eric on January 30, 2014 at 12:14 PM CST

The website Star Wars Episode 7 News has posted a significant rumor dump. Let's get right to their report, which they say comes from a source code-named "JediDigger":

  • EU characters are the templates for major new-continuity characters. "Right now they're looking at using the basic descriptions of EU characters with different names," the website reports. Characters that will be based on their EU counterparts include Luke's wife and the children of the Big Three.
  • Other EU-inspired characters will appear in Episode VII. "Fans should not expect to see Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn or Cilghal," the website says, "but characters who are very much like them."
  • Luke's wife has existed for a long time. At least in George Lucas' mind, that is. According to this story, "the love of Luke Skywalker's life" is "a character George Lucas has had since the end of Return of the Jedi."
  • Michael Arndt hasn't left Star Wars. In fact, according to this report, Arndt has "moved on to Episode 8."
  • The push for a new continuity came from the top. Disney executives, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, and Lucas Licensing head Howard Roffman. This isn't that surprising. Who else would have had the authority to orchestrate something like this?
  • Here's the big takeaway as far as the transition from old-continuity to new-continuity is concerned: "Most of the new characters in the new continuity are based on characters from the old continuity."
This post follows an earlier story in which Star Wars Episode 7 News reported that Mara Jade would appear first in Star Wars Rebels alongside the Inquisitor, that Rebels "has very strong connections" to the sequels, and that both Chewbacca and Mara would be alive thirty years after A New Hope.

On the heels of these major rumors, one point cannot be emphasized enough: Nothing is confirmed until Disney or Lucasfilm says it is. While it would not be at all surprising if Lucasfilm used elements of the EU to stock the new universe that they are creating, these specific rumors are coming out of left field from a website without a reputation for accurate scoops. Given that, please take this report with a grain of salt.

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