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Report From The Abu Dhabi Set Of Episode VII: A 'Whole World' In The Desert

Posted by Eric on May 10, 2014 at 06:41 PM CST

Abu Dhabi-based newspaper The National is back with a report from the set of Star Wars Episode VII, which they claim features an extensive security presence provided by local police and the army. According to the newspaper, filming is set to begin on May 13. Here is their description of the location (possible spoilers follow):

Our sources also report that the sets are getting closer to completion, with a “whole world” having been built on an otherworldly salt lake at one location, a “shuttle-like” spacecraft, a large tower, a “big, centuries-old-looking market”, something the crew are reportedly referring to as the “alien house” and 10 to 15 “really fast buggies” powered by jet engines (landspeeders of Tatooine fame from the previous films, perhaps?)
Head over to The National for more details about the set, including information about a blast crater on-site.

Meanwhile, the website 7DAYSinDubai has its own report from Abu Dhabi. They add that "the crew had several large white bags of rusted and bent metal parts, which are to be strewn in the desert, possibly to show a space­­craft crash or perhaps a post-apocalyptic civili­sation."

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