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The Force-Cast Archives
06/08/07 | Post-C4 wrap up; Tales of the New Republic; The Legacy Revealed
06/06/07 | C4: Special Report: The Celebrities of C4
06/05/07 | C4: Special Report: The Kessel Run
06/01/07 | C4: Special Report: Billy Dee Williams!
05/28/07 | C4: Special Report Part II: LIVE at the Fan Club Lounge
05/27/07 | C4: Special Report Part I: Jad Bean & Jovial Jay
05/26/07 | MC-Galaxy of Music V10 Frank Oz’s Birthday and Yoda songs
05/21/07 | The Celebration IV Mega-Cast!
05/18/07 | A short pre-Celebration IV Teaser!
05/17/07 | MC-Galaxy of Music V9 Chewbacca’s Birthday Party
05/16/07 | MC-Celebration IV Artist Round-Up
05/11/07 | Clone Wars Show; Celebration IV; No Fan Left Behind
05/04/07 | George on Conan; Carrie Fisher at C4
05/02/07 | MC-Galaxy of Music V8 Listener Request, interview with Bai Ling
04/27/07 | Special Report: Interview with Steve Sansweet with C-IV Update
04/25/07 | MC-Chicagoland Non Sports Expo
04/23/07 | MC-Cantina: Chris Albrecht of Atom Films
04/20/07 | Lucas crashes, Vader’s giant head, and more!
04/13/07 | Art of McQuarrie; Hasbro rumors; Boushh mix
04/11/07 | MC-EU; Callista Ming; Comics; Galaxies review
04/06/07 | Return of Pete; C-IV Update; Darth Plagueis
04/02/07 | MC-Galaxy of Music V7 (The Dark Side!)
04/01/07 | MC-(April Fool's Episode - The Audition)
03/30/07 | Guest host Jovial Jay; USPS Stamps; 30thAC Toys; C-IV
03/23/07 | Collecting Panels; C-IV Tips
03/21/07 | MC-EU, Paul Ens & Tom Hodges from Evasive Action
03/16/07 | Force Unleashed Delay; USPS Rollout
03/14/07 | MC-Galaxy of Music V6 Suckadelic
03/12/07 | MC-Paul Ens & Scott Chitwood of Red 5 Comics
03/09/07 | George at the Museum of TV/Radio; USPS rumors
03/07/07 | MC- Dark Woman; Republic Commando; Intro to the EU p7
03/05/07 | MC-Cantina: John Ostrander & Jan Duursema
03/03/07 | MC-Allegiance book winners
03/02/07 | Lucas v. Digg; Crazy Eborr’s Droid Repair
02/27/07 | MC-Charlie Ross (One-Man Star Wars)
02/27/07 | MC-Galaxy of Music-Lando Calrissian
02/23/07 | Charlie Ross (One-Man Star Wars) preview
02/21/07 | MC-Timothy Zahn
02/16/07 | Timothy Zahn preview
02/15/07 | MC-Galaxy of Music-Boba Fett
02/14/07 | MC-Shannon McRandle
02/11/07 | MC-Toy Fair 07
02/09/07 | Shannon McRandle preview
02/07/07 | MC-EU | Intro to EU part 6 | KOTOR game review
02/02/07 | Bonnie Burton, Tom Hodges, Matt Busch p2
01/31/07 | MC-Allegiance
01/29/07 | MC-Galaxy of Music Vol.3 (Checkpoint Charley)
01/26/07 | Bonnie Burton, Tom Hodges, Matt Busch p1
01/24/07 | MC-EU | Intro to EU p5 | A'Sharad Hett
01/19/07 | Float Queen: Kelsey McCalla
01/17/07 | MC-501st | Albin Johnson, & Crew
01/12/07 | 501st preview
01/04/07 | MC-EU | Oola
12/29/06 | Year in Review 06
12/25/06 | MC-Galaxy of Music Vol. 2 | Jesse Jensen
12/22/06 | Christmas Special-Derryl DePriest
12/15/06 | Co-host Jason | Mara Jade
12/08/06 | Co-host Pete | Intro to EU p4 | Wedge Antilles
12/01/06 | Intro to EU p3 | Aayla Secura
11/27/06 | MC-Galaxy of Music Vol. 1
11/22/06 | Thanksgiving Special-Jeremy Bulloch
11/17/06 | Drew Karpyshyn p2 | Intro to EU p2 | Darth Bane
11/10/06 | Drew Karpyshyn p1 | Intro to EU p1 | Bossk
11/03/06 | Kyle Newman (Fanboys) p4 | Darth Revan
10/27/06 | Kyle Newman (Fanboys) p3 | Anakin Solo
10/20/06 | Kyle Newman (Fanboys) p2 | Grand Admiral Thrawn
10/13/06 | Kyle Newman (Fanboys) p1 | Ulic Qel-Droma
10/06/06 | Joe Corroney p3 | Kyle Katarn & Prince Xizor
09/29/06 | Joe Corroney p2
09/22/06 | Joe Corroney p1 | Asajj Ventress
09/15/06 | Dustin Roberts p2 | Quinlan Vos
09/08/06 | Dustin Roberts p1 | Carnor Jax
09/01/06 | Steve Parsons (composer) | Kir Kanos
Pilot Episode (unaired)


The Force.net Podcast Archive Featuring Erik
11/1/05 | Season 1 Finale
9/30/05 | Episode VI review | comparing the trilogies
9/23/05 | Episode V review
9/18/05 | MC #6 Hiatus
9/02/05 | MC #5 News and Listener Feedback
8/31/05 | Episode IV review | EU Update
8/25/05 | MC #4 Listener Feedback on Episode II review
8/24/05 | MC #3 Listener Feedback on Episode I review
8/15/05 | MC #2 Listener Feedback | EU Update
8/14/05 | Episode II review | Jesse Jensen inteview
8/07/05 | Episode I review
8/03/05 | MC #1 Listener Feedback
7/29/05 | Michael Stackpole interview p3
7/27/05 | Michael Stackpole interview p2
7/18/05 | Michael Stackpole interview p1
7/09/05 | Prequel Novels overview with Jovial Jay
6/29/05 | Listener Feedback
6/22/05 | Book Releases with Jovial Jay | Jeremy Bulloch
6/15/05 | TV Series Discussion
6/04/05 | Guide to Post-ROTJ books | Jeremy Beckett Interview
5/30/05 | Listener Feedback
5/20/05 | Episode III Revenge of the Sith review
5/17/05 | Unresolved Plot Threads
5/12/05 | Episode III Reviews
5/05/05 | C3 News Recap
5/01/05 | C3: Interviews Ray Park | Timothy Zahn
4/27/05 | C3: Wrap Up | Rebelscum.com interview
4/21/05 | C3: Star Wars in 30 | Steve Sansweet
4/20/05 | Celebration III info
4/17/05 | Episode III Spoiler Free News
4/15/05 | Star Wars Revelations | Saving Star Wars | C3 Tips
4/10/05 | Spoiler-free ROTS novel review
4/06/05 | Pros and cons of reading the novel prior to the film
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