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The Return of Jaxxon's 11 Posted By Britany on May 12, 2005
From M.E. Russell:
Oh, so you wanted us to finish "Jaxxon's 11"? Come on: It's only been -- what? -- thirteen lucky months since Scene 7? Here's where we've been:
Mr. Russell suddenly developed a new career as a film writer and cartoonist at The Oregonian. Meanwhile, Mr. Stroup got handed the time-devouring task of editing, laying out, writing and photographing two newspapers at once. There may also have been marriages. And children.
But now that the terror of unholy career-change vertigo has subsided, we're back from our totally unplanned hiatus. Scene 8 brings us to page 51 (of about 100), and introduces the final member of Jax's heist team, Don-Wan Kihotay. (Those blissfully ignorant of the history of Marvel's "Star Wars" comics -- we remember those days fondly -- can learn a bit more about this crazy old fool right here.)
Anyway. Before you jump into Scene 8, here are a couple of announcements:
(1) Remember that reader contest associated with Scene 7? To recap: David painstakingly placed 31 spaceships from the annals of science fiction in the starfields of four pages in "Siegfried and Robot." The first reader to correctly identify 25 of those spaceships (or, failing that, the first person to make the most correct IDs before we posted Scene 8) was to win a piece of original "Jaxxon" art by David Stroup. Well, we got tons of entries -- we still have them all, believe it or not -- and we'll be announcing a winner in the coming days.
(2) There's also a major update to "Letters to Jaxxon" -- with more missives (and our responses) on the way soon.
We love reader mail: Feel free to drop us a line (which we may very well re-print here, and which we may edit for clarity where needed) to
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.