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Kyle Newman Interviewed At Lightsabre Posted By Mike on June 1, 2009
Visit our friends at Lightsabre for their most recent celebrity interview. This week Mark chats with Fanboys director, and friend of TFN, the Force-Cast and Star Wars fans in general, Kyle Newman. See below for the excerpt and click here for the interview. (either click on Kyle's picture or follow the interviews link) Did I include that particular excpert just because TFN was mentioned? Yes. Yes I did.
Q - "I spoke to the guys at the Force.Net the other day, they said to say hello when I spoke to you, so the guys at The Force.Net say hi."
A - "Absolutely, they're great guys."
Q - "They are, I was on the Force Cast the other week with Jimmy talking about Star Wars: A Musical Journey."
A ? "My friends were at that, I really want to see that."
Q - "It's fantastic, when it gets to the States you've got to go, it's absolutely amazing."
A - "How long did it play there for?"
Q - "It was only the two nights, the Friday and the Saturday a couple of weeks back but the plan is to take it into Europe and move it further afield and then get it to the States late summer I think. But it's back in the UK November. Apparently Lucas was there on the Saturday night. Very cool.
So let's talk a bit about Fanboys, that's what the Star Wars crowd know you for. When did the idea for Fanboys first germinate?"
A - "I first heard about the project online in 1998 on Harry Knowles website Aint-it-Cool News. I was a student at New York University and I was a huge Star Wars fan, and it just sounded like a cool project.
A few years later I was in post-production on another feature and I got introduced to the writer, I got involved and spent a few years developing it, putting the cast together. It was a side project. It didn't take years of constant developing to get it into position."
UPDATE:Lightsabre has posted part 2 of their interview with Fanboys director Kyle Newman. Click here to check it out! (either click on Kyle's picture or follow the interviews link)
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.