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Help Us Get FANBOYS Shown In Your City! Posted By Dustin on January 22, 2009
Derek B. from the Austin Fan Force sent us along this link from Read below and then tell a friend, no tell twenty friends! Send them here for instructions on how we can once again unite against the Weinstein Company to get the film FANBOYS distributed on a larger scale so fans EVERYWHERE can see it!
If you've followed what's going on with Fanboys, you will know that it's being released in the US on February 06, 2009. If you didn't, well, you know now.
The thing is, the Weinstein Company chose to only release it in 41 theaters in 8 cities initially. These cities are:
::: Austin, TX (1 screen) ::: Chicago, IL (3 screens) ::: Houston, TX (3 screens) ::: Los Angeles, CA (10 screens) ::: New York, NY (10 screens) ::: Philadelphia, PA (5 screens) ::: San Francisco, CA (6 screens) ::: Seattle, WA (3 screens)
Word is that it will expand to more cities and theaters if it does well in these eight cities. We're asking you to please help us make that happen. Here's what you can do:
1) Tell everyone you know who lives in or near those eight cities to watch the movie in the theater the week it opens.
2) E-mail the Weinstein Company to let them know you would like to see Fanboys open in more cities that just a pitiful eight. You will find the appropriate e-mail addresses at the bottom of this document. We'll also give you a template for a text you might want to send below.
3) Spread the word. Post about this on forums you go to--IMDb, Star Wars forums, movie message boards or blogs, Facebook, MySpace, LiveJournal. Anything goes. Tell your friends and family. Word of mouth is a powerful thing.
4) If you know any portals or websites that might be interested in publishing an article about the movie or this campaign, alert them. Feed them with information. Make it happen.
If we get enough people to voice their opinion, we might just get the Weinstein Co. to listen and put the movie out there for everyone to see. So, shoo! Get out there and make your voice heard!
Last but not least, these are the e-mail addresses of Weinstein employees that you can e-mail:
Here's a template text for what you may use to send to the Weinstein Co. (change XXX to your city):
Subject line: Fanboys Limited Release
Text: Dear Weinstein Co. Employee,
I am writing to you to voice my unhappiness about Fanboys only being released in eight cities and 40 theaters. I live in XXX and thus will not be able to see the movie, even though I very much want to. I know more fans who do not live in or near any of these cities that have excitedly been waiting for the movie and are now very disappointed that it is not showing near them.
Please expand the release of Fanboys to more cities, particularly XXX. I assure you that I will stand in line at the ticket booth and pay to see it if it comes to XXX.
If you are not the right person to address this to, please forward my e-mail as appropriate. Thank you.
Sincerely, YOUR NAME
Let's go Star Wars fans! We seem to be our only hope!
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.