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Clone Wars Books Posted By Paul on April 5, 2008
The "Children's Bookshelf" newsletter from Publishers Weekly has a story on the upcoming books to tie in to The Clone Wars animated movie and TV series, with some comments from Lucas Licensing's director of publishing, Carol Roeder.
Some of this we've already covered: the variety of children's books coming from Grosset & Dunlap, and the comic series from Dark Horse. The new info is as follows:
* The release date for all the movie tie-ins is July 26th.
* There's a much more concerted effort for kids' tie-ins here than there ever has been before.
* It seems that the Grosset & Dunlap books we've heard about thus far are specifically movie tie-ins, and more will follow later for the TV series
* DK will produce sticker books, "Visual Guides", and DK Readers (books for parents to read-along with their children, I think).
* Dalmatian Press, who produced a SW Big Box of Fun in 2001, are producing colouring and activity books. Whereas DK and Grosset & Dunlap are both Penguin imprints, Dalmatian Press seem to be independent.
* A novellization of the movie from DelRey will be released. As I said, PW are reporting that the movie tie-ins will all be on-sale on July 26th, so I'm guessing this must be the Karen Traviss novel we've heard about already, which has an official release date of 29th July.
* Three more novellizations will accompany the TV series. I'm guessing the first of these is "Untitled K. Miller 1", probably followed by another book apiece by Karen Traviss and Karen Miller. The two Karens certainly seem to be working closely on their Star Wars projects.
* Another Art Of Star Wars book is planned. No word on a publisher, but I believe the ones for all six movies have been from DelRey.
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.