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Carrie Fisher Confirms Return To Star Wars? Posted By Chris on March 5, 2013 has posted a short Q&A with Carrie Fisher about a few different topics. Most notably, the big question about whether or not she will return as Princess Leia Organa Solo in Episode VII and beyond. Her answer is very short and to the point, but it definitely delivers:
Disney is going to continue the Star Wars saga, producing movies set to hit theaters starting in 2015. Can you confirm whether you’ll reprise the role of Princess Leia?
What do you think Princess Leia is like today?
Elderly. She’s in an intergalactic old folks’ home [laughs].
I just think she would be just like she was before, only slower and less inclined to be up for the big battle. And still wearing the bagel buns?
The bagel buns and the bikini, because probably she has sundowners syndrome. At sundown, she thinks that she’s 20-something. And she puts it on and gets institutionalized.
UPDATE: According to this report by CNN, a representative for Carrie said "She was joking," when asked about the validity of the original report. Of course, with all the rumors flying around, is anyone really going to be surprised if the original main cast is announced for the new trilogy? Anyone? At this point, it would be a bigger surprise if it didn't happen.
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.