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Last little bits of trivia. Test your knowledge:

  1. Michael Sheard, who played Admiral Ozzel, also played a villian in an Indiana Jones film. Who did he play?
  2. A Star Wars talent had a cameo in Beverly Hills Cop 3. Who was it?
  3. Which Cheers star appeared in The Empire Strikes Back?
  4. Name 15 characters from Star Wars who appeared in more than one movie (not Including the Special Editions).(This question came from Jedi-Leaper Blake off the newsgroups! Thanks!)
  5. The bad guy from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Donovan, also played a bad guy in the Empire Strikes Back. Who did he play?
  6. Jeremy Bulloch, who played Boba Fett, also played another character in ESB. Who did he play?
  7. The director of Return of the Jedi, Richard Marquand (sp?), made a brief cameo in that film. Who did he play?
  8. George Lucas has appeared in a Star Wars production (T.V., film, game, etc.). What did he appear in and who did he play?

  1. Micheal Sheard also played Hitler in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!
  2. George Lucas had a cameo in BHC3!
  3. Cliff Claven! (John Ratzenberger) was a Rebel Base Commander. The picture's hard to see, but if you don't believe us, check the credits.

  4. The Characters names are: Luke, Leia, Lando, Han, Chewy, R2, C3PO, the Emperor, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Wedge, Admiral Piett, Ben, Yoda, and the hard one...Dengar, the Bounty Hunter.

  5. Julian Glover played General Veers, the AT-AT commander.

  6. Jeremy Bulloch played the Imperial Officer who led Leia and the gang through Cloud City when they ran across Luke!

  7. The late Richard Marquand (sp?) made a cameo as the AT-ST driver who was thrown out by Chewbacca in the battle on Endor.

  8. George Lucas played as an extra in the Star Tours film which is part of the ride at the Disney Theme parks. At the end of the film when the ship crashes, he plays one of the ground crew that scrambles out of the way of the ship!

Answers To Simon H. Lee's ANH Trivia Challenge

1. Dark Lord of the Sith

2. 1600 meters/1 mile

3. Captain Antilles

4. Owen and Beru Lars

5. The binary language of moisture vaporators and Bocce

6. Navigator on a spice freighter

7. Tosche Station (to pick up some power converters)

8. The south range

9. Six million forms of communication

10. Dewbacks

11. Tusken Raiders on Banthas

12. General

13. Dune Sea

14. Jundland Wastes

15. Anchorhead

16. Gaderffii or Gaffi stick

17. Three or four seasons

18. Twelve systems

19. Docking Bay 94

20. XP-38

21. TK-421

22. 1138

23. AA-23

24. Tagge, Motti

25. Twin Ion Engine

26. Antilles

27. Red Leader, Red Three (Biggs Darklighter), Red Four (John D.), Red Six (Porkins), Red Ten, Red Eleven, Gold Leader (Dutch), Gold Two (Tiree), Gold Five (Pops)

28. Beggar's Canyon

29. 2 X-wing, 1 Y-Wing, the Millenium Falcon

30. Circuits or gears

31. The Tantive IV

32. Only the Royal House of Alderaan could ride in the Tantive IV. Apparantly, this ship had the only Alderaanian soldiers and weapons in existance. They demilitarized after the Clone Wars.

33. Captain Antilles. I've never seen a first name given, although some of the early drafts of Star Wars had the name "Bail Antilles" in them.

34. Leia's step-father, Bail Organa was going to take the mission. Leia talked him out of it, reasoning that since she was always going on mercy missions in the Tantive IV, it would look less suspicious. When she left, it sealed both thier fates.

35. The Tantive IV was to enter a solar system and pass close to the planet Tuprowa (where the Rebels who had stolen the plans from a convoy were--Leia and her step-father had learned the location of the convoy from a slip by Lord Tion). The plans would then be transmitted on a tight beam to the Tantive IV. The battle to capture the plans for the Death Star was the first major battle for the Rebellion, and it's first victory.

36. Dantooine.

37. It was a retrofit from the Jurassic Park Brontosaurus model, so the CG artists were calling it a "Bronto." George Lucas suggested dropping the 'b' and calling it a "Ronto."

38. The Stone Needle. Flying through was called "threading the Stone Needle."

39. Dewback, Ronto, and Scurriers

40. Bubba Fett

Answes to Empire Strikes Back Trivia

1. Wampa

2. Rieekian

3. Echo Base

4. "That bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell." (Or

Ord Mandell.)

5. 725:1

6. Bacta

7. Zone twelve moving east

8. Echo Station Three Eight

9. Rebel power generators

10. 8000 meters/5 miles

11. Executor

12. T-47s

13. Dack (Dak)

14. Rogue Leader (Luke), Rogue 2 (Zev Senesca), Rogue 3 (Wedge and Wes Janson), Rogue 4 ("Hobbie" Klivian)

15. South post

16. All-Terrain Armored Transport, All-Terrain Scout Transport

17. Anoat

18. Avenger

19. "How you get so big eating food of this kind?"

20. "Slimy mudhole"

21. 800 years

22. No patience, anger, not ready, craves adventure (and he's also reckless), too old

23. Anger, fear, aggression

24. Tibanna gas

25. Platform 327

26. Lobot

27. East Platform

28. Slave I

29. Boba Fett (you know), Bossk (lizard), Dengar (bandaged, scarred human), 4-LOM (dark droid), IG-88 (tall droid), Zuckuss (gold-garbed alien)

30. "I feel terrible."

31. Ugnaughts

32. Three

33. This quote comes from the Annotated Screenplays by Laurent Bouzereau:

"Nilo Rodis-Jamero: 'Joe Johnston showed me some of the ideas he has for Boba Fett, and I remember asking myself what his spaceship would look like. I remember seeing a radar dish and stopping to sketch it very quickly to see if I could get something out of it. The original design I had was round, but when you looked at it from the side, it became elliptical. For some reason, when I drew it, George thought it was elliptical, so that's what it became. When we were building the ship at ILM, somebody looked at street lamps and pointed out that they looked like Boba's ship. So everyone began to think that was where I got the idea for the design.'"

34. 800 years

35. Anger, Fear, Aggression

36. Zuckuss is a Gand.

37. John Morton, who also played Dack, filled in for Jeremy while he had to be away.

38. "Bob Anderson was the man who actually did Vader's fighting." - Mark Hamill (Starlog #72)

39. 8000 meters

Answers to Return of the Jedi Trivia

1. Commander (or Moff) Jerjerrod

2. Bib Fortuna

3. EV-9D9

4. Salacious Crumb and Oola

5. "Fifty thousand, no less"

6. Twenty-five

7. Thirty-five

8. Thermal detonator (!!!!!!!)

9. Sy Snootles, Max Rebo, Droopy McCool

10. Barada, the Weequays, Lando, one of the Niktos (and one unnamed human)

11. Pit of Carkoon

12. Anakin Skywalker

13. Palpatine

14. Mon Mothma

15. Bothans

16. Mon Calamari

17. Tydirium

18. Parts and technical crew for the forest moon

19. The center switch

20. 0300 hours

21. Chirpa

22. Logray

23. They know the shortest distance to the generator, Han asks Threepio to find out and tell him; fresh supplies, and their weapons

24. Three

25. Nien Nunb

26. Home One (Headquarters Frigate)

27. 47

28. Faith in friends

29. Overconfidence

30. A-wing crashes into Executor's bridge

31. Power regulator on north tower

32. The scene was shot at Skywalker Ranch!

33. False! Here's a quote from George Lucas in the Annotated Screenplays: "By the time we got down to doing the third film, we'd had so many difficulties with people trying to report stuff with the media and the press and everything that we called the film 'Revenge of the Jedi' to throw people off. The title was always intended to be 'Return of the Jedi', but we made the film under the code name 'Revenge of the Jedi'. Unfortunately, what happened is Fox started promoting the film before we could tell them not to use the title. We were lucky that they didn't start promoting the film under the title 'Blue Harvest', because we were also using that as a bogus title."

34. The Jabba puppet was made of latex which deteriorates and turns to goo over time. Jabba melted and all that is left of the puppet are the eyes. They are on tour (last we saw) with the SFX Special Effects exhibit.

35. The Band Members are - Lead Singers: Sy Snootles, Joh Yowza (Yuzzem) -Band Players: Max Rebo, Droopy McCool, Rappertunie, 2 drummers, a Bith and a Rodian -Backup Singers/Dancers: Rystall, Greeta, Lyn-Me -And you can debate on whether or not Oola, the Twilek Dancer, was a member or not.

36. He served as traffic controller aboard the EXECUTOR orbiting the forest moon of Endor.


Answers to Multiple Star Wars Movies Trivia

1. Four years, six months

2. A-wing, B-wing, X-wing, Y-wing

3. TIE Advanced (Darth's), TIE Bomber, TIE Fighter (and variants), TIE Interceptor (The above two questions excepting things that LucasArts has come up with.)

4. Standard, Sandtrooper, Snowtrroper, Scout, Royal Guard

5. 2 quad laser cannons, 2 concussion missile tubes (8 missiles), ventral automatic blaster cannon

6. Fade away (sorry, I couldn't resist)

7. Red Two, Rogue Three, Red Leader

8. Luke on approach to Death Star, Han in trash compactor, Leia in space slug, Threepio inside Jabba's palace, Han on the spit

9. Star Wars: Seemed a little catatonic in sandcrawler until R2 arrived, but this probably doesn't count. "Faints" during Tusken Raider attack. Closes down in Kenobi's hut. Empire: Switched off by Leia while they're hiding on the Avenger's backside. Shot by stormtroopers. Turned off by Chewbacca in prison cell. Jedi: May have been knocked out by a Gamorrean guard during barge battle, and may have fainted after falling out of Ewok net. Bonus: Star Wars: Artoo: shot by Jawa ionization gun. (We can assume that something similar happened to Threepio.) Threepio: dust contamination in desert. Threepio: loses arm in Tusken Raider attack. Artoo: shot by Darth Vader's TIE. Empire: Artoo: Swallowed by swamp monster, dropped on ground when Luke loses concentration. Threepio: shot by stormtroopers. Artoo: plugs computer interface arm into power socket. Threepio: bashed about the head by Chewbacca while boarding the Falcon. Jedi: Threepio: Smashed by Jabba and Gamorrean. Eye gouged by Salacious Crumb. Artoo and Threepio: Fall off sail barge, fall out of Ewok net; Threepio hurts his head. Artoo: Dropped on ground in Ewok village. Artoo: Shot by stormtrooper.

10. Darth Vader was played by James Earl Jones (voice), David Prowse (body), Sebastian Shaw (face of Anakin), and Andrew Nelson (body of Darth in ESB:SE, Dark Forces, Taco Bell commercials)

Answers to Expanded Universe Trivia

1. Vuffi Raa

2. Rokur Gepta, Sorcerer of Tund

3. Bollux and Blue Max

4. Stars' End

5. Mytus VII

6. Gallandro

7. "3241", a short segment of the Star Wars Holiday Special, 8 p.m., Friday, November 17, 1978. Fett was popular, the special wasn't.

8. Ssi-ruuk

9. The Nightsisters

10. Rancors

11. Wayland

12. Winter

13. Noghri

14. Art

15. Mara Jade


17. Rukh (his Noghri bodyguard)

18. Boba Fett

19. World Devastators

20. Nal Hutta

21. Vima-da-boda

22. Exar Kun

23. Sun Crusher

24. Terpfen

25. Crseih

26. Deyer Colony of Anoat.

27. Violet and White.

28. It is a form of hand-to-hand combat. It translates to 'steel hands'.

29. It is taught in Pacanth Reach, a remote star cluster in the Outer Rim. It is taught on the planet Bunduki by the hermits called the Followers of Palawa. Arden Lyn is the Master of the Teras Kasi.

30. Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon by L. Neil Smith. Listen to this: "Outside, a braid of rasberry red, lemon yellow, and orange orange twisted through the heavens, across a constellation locals called the Silly Rabbit." What's next? Lucky Charms(TM)?

31. Gandolo IV (Tales of the Bounty Hunters)

32. IG-2000

33. In Holowan Labratories, 5 IG models were activated, but only 4 were 88 models (one was an IG-72), and they killed 23 people escaping.

34. Mallatobuck (Malla)

35. Attichitcuk (Itchy)

36. It enhances the Force powers of those who posess it.

37. It is located in the Temple of Pomojema on the planet Mimban.

38. His father's name was Zorba the Hutt (from the David's young reader books)

Answers to Really Trivial Star Wars Trivia

1. Journal of the Whills

2. Tantive IV

3. Dianoga

4. 3263827

5. Five and six

6. T-65 (Available in B and C-A2 models)

7. Massassi

8. Red Ten, Seven, Three, Six, Nine, Two, Eleven, Five

9. Two minutes, fifty seconds

10. I was kidding!

11. Eight

12. John Ratzenberger

13. July 13, 1942

14. The sixth

15. Wrist lasers, rocket darts, turbo-projected grappling hook, flamethrower, concussion grenade launcher, jet pack. Incidentally, he carries a BlasTech EE-3 blaster rifle

16. Wookiee scalps

17. Five

18. Wing Guard

19. Revenge of the Jedi

20. ST321

21. As the Falcon crosses screen center left to upper right, TIEs are going in the opposite direction. For a moment, two TIE silhouettes freeze on the bottom of the Falcon as it passes over them.

22. Han Suul

23. BlasTech DL-44

24. Fifteen (nine over first Death Star, six over second)

25. Twenty-six (Four during Falcon's escape from first Death Star, four in ensuing battle, four in Anoat asteroid field, fourteen during second Death Star battle)

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