Darth Stupidity test 1
by Chris Knight

testing 2
by testing 2

chris knight
by testing

Darth Butterfly - always flittering around looking pretty
by Joshua Griffin


Darth Small
by Kristopher Small

Darth Hater
by Kristopher Small

Darth Bed Wetter...
by Jade's Fire2003

Darth Ralph Nader
by Kristopher Small

Sith Lord Gore
by Kristopher Small

by Kristopher Small

Darth Joshua Griffin
by hmmm

Darth Barney
by pompous george

Mister Rogers ("haha! and now i'll torture you by making you watch me change my sweater!")
by That raw egg that you just dropped

Darth Doh....
by Kelther Topom

Darth Ants-In-Your-Pants
by Bishop

Darth Bane, for starting the whole darn thing.
by Erik

Darth Regis
by Chris Hawkins

Darth Chewy
by Brad Kan Obi So Cool

Darth Pacifist
by SHojo316

Darth Nerfherder
by Maul KenObi

Darth Dopey
by Rebecca

Darth Malodorous
by Bill DeJournett

Dark Vader
by Harry Pitts

Darth Elmo
by Harry Pitts

Darth Richard Simmons
by Konrad Jonsson, Reykjavik, Iceland

Darth Oprah
by Konrad Jonsson, Reykjavik, Iceland

JarJar Binks
by VisserOnE

Darth Not-Appearing-In-This-Movie
by Dogman2000

Darth Happy Bunny
by Mud Pepper

Darth Nibbles
by Matt_the_Hutt

George Dubya - attempt to destroy the Jedi failed because of his lousy strategery
by TiYaX

darth maul
by Sate Pestage

Darth Hiney
by Ed Canale

Sith Snitch
by Mageeia, Dark Lady of the Sith

Darth Mauled
by JadeLady

Darth Hiney
by Ed Canale

Lord Jar-Jar
by blah

Darth JarJAr
by DarthTrunks1138

Darth Bean-uses force stupidity to make his enemies laugh at him while he badly attempts to half them with a zero bladed lightsaber
by Deac

Darth N'Sync
by DarthTrunks1138

Darth Firefighter (see caption #38)
by myr_halcyon

Darth Mickey
by Sasquatch


Dartho Loompa
by Manics1

Darth Jar Jar
by Jhabel


darth maul, he looks soooo much stupider then the others.
by cate

Darth Rick Moranis
by Jared Childress

Darth Jar Jar
by Black Wolf

my sister
by forrestg99

Darth Coulter and her golden monkey
by YC

darth algar----party on darth
by forrestg99

Darth Captain Kirk
by NemisisUsa

Darth Jar Jar
by Timothy "Jedi" McDonough

Darth Ugly
by Rev. Samuel

Darth writer of episode one
by diskerror

darth congeniality
by diskerror

wayne and darth, ITS WAYNES WORLD
by diskerror

Darth Binks
by ???

Darth Jar Jar
by 44444

Darth Bart: plans for galactic conquest involving a skateboard, a slingshot, and cool catch-phrases just never got off the ground. *sigh*
by Maaike Charron

Darth Bush
by Lawrence

Al Gore
by Noman

Darth Martha Stewart
by Maaike Charron

by gabriel flores

Darth Will-Tear-You-Apart-Really-Bad-And-Will-Even-Kill-You-To-Death -- Set to outdo himself, Lucas gives his new sithlord an incredibly intimidating name, bigger horns, and a THREE-bladed lightsabre
by Andakin

Darth George W. Bush
by Hadtobesaid

Darth Maul, for throwing away half of his lightsaber when Obi-Wan cut it in half.
by 4641316

Darth Skidmarks
by Jojo

Darth Binks
by KnightLord

by Luke Skyviper

Dark Helmet
by B.

Darth Poopius
by ravyn

Darth Bob
by Ben

by Darth Sillious

by The Dude

Darth Sillious
by Darth Sillious

The guy who misspelled 'Darth'
by Rawfish

"Luke... I am your other father!"
by DarkJon64

"Luke... I have 2 fathers!"
by DarkJon64

Darth Monotonous
by Qui-Gar Jinn

by Hasan

Darth Richard Simmons
by Chris Z

My English teacher.
by June

Darth Binks, dark master of nausea
by Anthony Bland

Darth Jedi (hyuk)
by Derek Krueger

Darth Nader
by BC_GunganHunter

darth larry
by dave golub

Darth Loser
by JediOverlord

Darth Flatulus
by Jason Nicholas

Presenting... Darth Bush! (Jeez, can't even say Imperial properly)
by Anthony the Hutt

Darth Darth. Everyone called him Double D.
by Peter Flockton


Darths Bambi, Candy & Bubbles
by JediMistressDragon

Darth Mini-Maul
by Jedi Gribble

Darth Prozac
by Karl-Gon Jinn

Bill Clinton...his mind tricks couldn't even fool America...
by Jon M.

Darth Binks, Gungan Sith Lord, and local Korriban idiot.
by Luc Fitzgerald

Darth Mall Security
by Dex1138

Dark Lord Skreeb, the most evil Kowakian Monkey Lizard ever, with an annoying little giggle too ('Now you die! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!!"
by Jedi Gribble

Darth Nader (Unsafe at any lightspeed).
by Darth Nader

Fear the slimy wrath of Punda the Hutt!!!!!!
by Jedi Gribble

Dartha Stewart ("Embrace the Dark Side. It's a good thing.")
by Dubya Fett

Darth Brooks ("Soon we will reveal ourselves to Kenny Rogers. At last we will have revenge.")
by Dubya Fett

Darth Cheney and his apprentice, Darth Dubya ("We need a Death Star, to protect us from 'rogue states'.")
by Admiral Akbar & Jeff

Jar Jar Binks, A.K.A. Darth Gratuitus.
by Mace Windex

Darth B., A.K.A. "Scary Sith".
by Bib Fortuna Sandwich

Darth Wayne and Darth Garth ("Look at the light sabre on that guy. Schwing!")
by Bib Fortuna Sandwich

Darthy-Darth and the Funky Bunch.
by The Third Sith

Darth Porkins... man, you didn't know Porkins was a Sith? Wait till "Episode III".
by Skippy the Jedi Droid

Darth Richard Simmons
by Grahf Vader

Tried to use the force choke on a jedi and choked himself instead
by Jedi Lindquist

Snoop Darthy Darth
by Grahf Vader

None is worse than the Third Sith. Don't believe that "there is always two, no more, no less" nonsense. Bane, Sidious, Maul, Tyranus, Vader... amateurs. It is I who is the puppet master. Bwah-ha-ha!
by The Third Sith

The Sith Lord Formerly Known as Anakin
by Grahf Vader

Darth Clinton
by nathan oravitz

Darth Homer ("Oh, Obi-Wan, it's not like a molten pit ever hurt anyone before... D'oh!")
by Darth Sillious

Darth Richard Simmons
by nathan oravitz

Darth Jar Jar Binks
by Shane

Darth Bigalow, Sith Gigalow
by The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

Darth Vader... c'mon, you can kill your mentor, torture your daughter, blow up a planet, choke a dozen officers, but can't murder your own son? What a wuss.
by Darth Sillious

Darth Bush
by Jeff Grynkewich

Darth Shatner
by David Belyeu

by Darth Vader: Lord of the Dance

Darth Comic-Book-Store-Guy.
by Ki-Bara-Mundi

Darth Fluffy-Poo
by Rabid Cow

Mr. Darth Bill (kept getting smashed by his nemesis, Jedi Slug'o)
by Wntermute

Darth Regis
by Hama-Ryu Kinnebi

Darth Forgettoupdatethehumorsectioneveryweek
by The Best Sith Lord Ever

Darth Quayle

Darth Anne Robinson- rejected from the Sith Order for being too cruel.
by Jinn, Padme, and Obi1

Dartha Stewart
by M.P. Keaton

Darth Todd - 30, single, and LOVED to accessorize!
by Fireblade

Darth Rabbit? No, No! Its Darth R A B B I D
by Jarist Quain

sith pacifist
by doobie-wan kenobi

Darth Brooks
by Matt Hartley

darth player
by mike hubbard

The "semi-evil" Sith Lord Scott
by Jacob_the_monk

Darth Maul. He can't even talk!
by Edmund Campion

Darth Van Winkle...the dumass fell asleep for 20 years!
by banta poopoo

Darth Pull My Finger...lasted about a week...
by Jade's Fire2003

Darth Urkel
by Tombourine

Darth Kramer
by JediTC

Darth Stienbrenner
by JediTC

Darth Dukakas
by JediTC


Darth Jar Jar
by Brant Johnson

Darth Buttercup
by Waterfarmer

Darth Regis: "More powerful than I can imagine? Is that your final answer?"
by Darth Yosef

Darth Kirk
by Darth Maligna

Darth "W" Bush
by brian2dope

Darth Binks
by brian2dope

Darth PMS
by BlueSaber

Darth Bush
by Daysleeper

darth pauly shore
by big steve

Darth Kirk. The only Sith Lord unable to survive the Stormtrooper firing squad. Once thought to be the safest place to be during a ground battle.
by The Littlest Stormtrooper

Darth I like ponies
by B.J. Carlson

Darth Comic Book Guy (Worst caption ever!)
by HPS00


Al Gore
by Yogert Master of the schwarts

Darth Dubya and his Ragtime Gang
by Bria

Darth Obscenious
by Shadow Of Sidious

Darth Imagonnachokeyou
by Shadow Of Sidious

Darth Dontcutoffmyhand
by Shadow Of Sidious

Darth Daring
by Shadow Of Sidious

Darth Albino
by Shadow Of Sidious

Darth Lucas
by Shadow Of Sidious

Darth Lucas
by Shadow Of Sidious

Darth Oh I forgot the rest
by Shadow Of Sidious


Darth gayhomobastard
by Denzo

"Jeez, you guys, is all this killing and torturing really necessary?"
by Darth Luke

Darth Bobcat Goldthwait -- "You are beaten. It is useless to resist." just doesn't have the same effect coming from him.
by Burtino

Darth Jar Jar
by Lister

Darth Elmo, who was tickled to death shortly after achieving his mastery
by Stelmarta

Darth Pretty-ous, The Lord of all that is pretty and pink.
by Shada

bottom half of darth maul
by doobie-wan kenobi

Darth Binks (The very name sends waves of fear...make that laughter through people)
by Exar Kun

Darth Fluffy
by Bri-Gon Geers

Howard the Sith
by Bri-Gon Geers

Count PooDu
by Tokugawa

Lug-Nut, the Dark Lord of the Pit Droids
by Tokugawa

Darth Horsehair, Lord of the Violin
by Jago

Darth Not Appeaing in this film
by Jedi Knight 155

Darth Whimer
by jamie

Darth Cats (All your lightsabers are belong to us!)
by Karellen

Darth Flatulence
by farraday

Darth ouch
by lowbacca

It's the one thats running aruond in circles cause he couldn't catch Han
by wompastompa


Darth Wanga the Hutt
by KLBS180

Darth Maul;What's with your face dude?
by Jar Jar come home

Darth vader kissed luke with love
by Jar Jar come home

Darth Brooks - the country singing dark lord
by K_Kinnison

by kill em alll.......hehehehehehehehehehe!

Years have gone by and for being so boring the rest finally decided to vote the one with the red and black face off the island
by Jar Jar come home

"Luke I am your mother"
by Jar Jar come home

The one who never met Aaron Carter
by Jar Jar come home

by jackultra

Darth Andy [good pizza]
by Jedi_Bob

Gotta be Darth Jar Jar. "Den weesa gonna have our revenge"
by Birdman0702

Darth Nag
by Karl-Gon Jinn

Darth Skippy
by Spineless Oaf

Darth Fumble - destroyed his own ship when he dropped his own light saber into the engines.
by Fuzzy Martian

Darth Beans (Use the FARTS, Darth...)

Darth Malt
by sullijo

Darth Seinfeld
by May the farce be with you


Darth Not-appearing-in-this-film
by Mistress Qui-Gon

Darth Wowbagger
by Mistress Qui-Gon

Darth Continent
by Mistress Qui-Gon

Darth Barney
by MlJedi1

Darth Bufford, who turned to the Dark Side when he found that it was wrong to hit on his sister. Showed talent in levitating old worthless cars onto blocks.
by Darth Mil

Darth Jar-Jar
by SWfangirlwhatever

Darth Poindexter
by Rystall79

Darth Beavis
by Rystall79

Darth Brooks
by Boba Fatt


Darth Bush
by Bash

Darth Simmons : Evil Dark Lord of the Sit and Reach
by none

"Brave, brave Darth Robin, Darth Robin of Coruscant."
by Fateduel

Darth Bozo, Dark Clown of the Sith
by simian8

The one and only: Darth Maul
by ObiJedi

Darth Kimball
by Maulbert

Darth Binks
by Maulbert

Darth Loogey Spithocker
by Falcona De'Ozse'

Darth Imscaredofyou
by Harry Pitts

Mace windu's evil twin brother, Darth Shaft
by Jedi Master Chris

Darth Binks
by Walter Danek

Lord Jek Porkens (died in the battle of Yavin)
by Lucky Skywalker

Darth Brooks
by Coconut Boy

Darth Fluffy-bunny-slippers.... OF DOOM!
by Coconut Boy

Darth Binks. 'nuf said
by CmdrWedge

Darth Dark- Lack of imagination, ioncreativity and vocabulary when it came to choosins.
by Bithsith

by Davin Flite

Darth Brooks
by Davin Flite

Darth Jar Jar
by bomaarmonk

George W. Lucas... Darth Flannel!
by Chi-Chi the Jedi Tree

Darth Mediocre
by Darth Paul

Darth Neuman
by Darth Paul

Darth Odious
by Darth Paul

Darth Smiles
by Jes

Darth Binky
by Jes

Darth I'm not Evi I'm just misunderstood
by Jes

Darth Vader (Destorying the Sith order doesn't do his Sith career any good)
by Jes

Darth Garth
by Jes

Darth Jar Jar
by crystorix

Darth Happypants
by Geezer

That innocent little Anakin Skywalker kid... what? He becomes WHO??!!
by Max Grey

Darth Echo, annoyingly repeats everything you say until you are forced to battle him
by Anon O. Miss

Darth Brooks
by wookie1138

Darth Brooks

Darth Incontinence
by Just Jeff

Darth Il. What? No I'm not sick, its short for EVIL, you... (sounds of choking
by Lari

Darth Simly
by Obi-Wan Shaneobi

Darth Hasselhoff
by Yoda the Movie

Carrot Top, need I say more.
by Yoda the Movie

Boris Yeltsin, he might kill the rest of the Sith in a drunken rage.
by Yoda the Movie

Jim Carrey, a rubber face doesn't do you any good if your rivals can tear it off.
by Yoda the Movie

The one who had hearts,smiley faces,and peace sighns on his suit.
by Jar Jar come home

Dartha Stewart, "Next week. . . How to make that guy you just choked into a door stop-candle stick!!"
by Davis 1138

Cathy Lee Gifford
by Yoda the Movie

Moe , Larry, Curly (nuff said)
by Sgt Stryker

Darth Smurf
by Mike M.

Darth Dubya
by Sgt Stryker

Darth Amoeba
by Uncle Kettch

Darth What-Did-You-Call-This-Thing (While holding a lightsaber)
by Son of Frankenstein

Darth Mellow
by Tritesaber

Bill Clinton....(If he'd thought to use stronger mind tricks, he'd still be in office!)
by bekybob13@aol.com

that one guy
by Hello, Darth Badguy

The Dread Pirate Roberts
by Randall Flagg

Darth Tinky-winky
by angel'espacem

Darth Pacifist- "Do we haaave to battle the Jedi Knights? Why can't we just play shuffleboard or something for their ownership rights?!"
by Dude, Isn't that Luke?!

Darth EnviromentalistEnthusiast- "No, Master...I don't think the Jedi will be on Tatooine...no plants there....how about Endor?"
by Dude, Isn't that Luke?!

Darth Hol'ywoo Kiesn'ot Ahu Morpag Eup'date
by Randall Flagg

Darth Dre, chillin up in CPT
by Diggity Jiggity Ju Ju Ju

Darth Binks
by The Clonetrooper

Darth Howard- yes, the duck
by The Clonetrooper

Darth Buttercup
by Kevin Bryant

Darth Mung
by A servant of the great Washu

Darth Captain Dumbass
by Captain Dumbass

Darth Sid Vicious
by Kristien=Babe

Darth Lucas
by I8-PP

D'Icc Ch'hanee
by Jabba the Fatt

"I'm Slim Vader, yes I'm the real Vader..."
by Jabba the Fatt

Darth Claustrophobic
by Shane

Darth Pansy- Just couldn't accesserize with all the black stuff.
by Seifersama

Darth Stephen Hawking
by Thompson

Darth 'Keep-That-Lightsaber-Away-From-Me'
by LittleJedi


Darth Brooks
by Walter Danek

Darth Minimall
by Biggs D.


Darth Hidious
by Sandtrooper TK-326

Darth Clown
by Sandtrooper TK-326

Darth Walrus
by Sandtrooper TK-326

Darth Careless
by Sandtrooper TK-326

Darth Cheney
by Jar Jar Bites

Darth Dubya
by Lyra Ca Siru

Darth Satoshi - wanted to rule the universe using Pokemon
by Cyberwulf

Darth Toothbrush
by Coconut Boy

Lord Jar Jar
by Coconut Boy

Darth CG
by Coconut Boy

Darth Cuddles
by Empress Palpatine

Darth Cowardice
by Raven

Darth TK-421 (Died at first encounter with a stormtrooper, amazingly shot in head though he was standing behind him)
by Coconut Boy

Darth Pinky (Narf!)
by Coconut Boy

Darth Bigglesworth (and when Darth Biggelsworth gets mad... PEOPLE DIE!)
by Coconut Boy

Darth Greedo (died because he forgot to take the safety off of his saber)
by Coconut Boy

by Darth-Demented

Darth Flatulence
by DrLondon

Darth McBane (As played by Ranier Wolfcastle from The Simpsons)

Darth Pokemon. ("Stormtrooper! Use Blaster Attack now! Oh, crap! It didn't work!!!")
by Darth Hog

Darth Simmons
by KeioDai

Dark Helmet ;-)
by Jarist Quean

Darth Frilly Lace
by Darth Sethor

Bond...Darth Bond
by red

Bond...Darth Bond
by red

Darth Tinkie-Winkie (Never got over those gay rumors)
by Moron

Bea Arthur
by Rafiennes

Darth Jar-Jar
by ELPsteel

Darth Eggnog
by Kwenn

Lord Kozy Flannel
by KLBS180

Darth Gump: "My momma always said Sith is as Sith does."
by The Perfect Stormtrooper

Tickle-me Palpitine
by Jet Vega

Mini Maul
by Jet Vega

Darth Gee Dubya
by Bob the insignificant

Darth John Shaft (wait, no he too cool)
by Bob the insignificant

The Sith Lords of Past and Future Boybands Society
by Bob the insignificant

Darth Lee Roth
by Bob the insignificant

Darth Garth Brooks
by Emperor Palpatim

Darth Garth Brooks
by Emperor Palpatim

Darth Potater
by Emperor Palpatim

Darth Potader
by Emperor Palpatim

Darth Which-end-does-the-blade-come-outhe?
by The Lemon Joeco

darth klingon
by spock

Darth Elmo
by DarthME

It doesnt matter what I say cuz you fuck heads will not pubilish it
by Mike

Darth Urkel
by Lady Hyde

Darth Fluffy-Bunny
by Isa

Dodge Darth
by fabi-wan-kenobi

Darth Billy Bob, Dark Lord of the Hicks
by Furby the Sithwitch

Lord Dubya
by Isa

Darth Rae-Bob: Died while attempting to clean his fingernails with a lightsaber.
by Iceheart

Yoda. He was a terrible sith lord, always using the lightside and what-not.
by Jedi Bib


Tickle-Me Sith Lord
by Jade_Fire

Bigulous Dickulous
by GloveSlap

luke's apprentice
by Darth Spice

Darth Barney
by Ymanah

Darth Gore, lord of the forever-evil Chads
by The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

Darth Threepio . . . What? It could happen!!!
by The lovely and lethal Darth Veronica

Darth Barbie (aah, the terror, she fries you, then gives you a makeover)
by Tahiri

Darth Brooks
by someone had to say it

Darthie Lee Gifford
by Repo Man

Darth Kirk
by Brad Kan Obi So Cool

Darth Sillieous
by Ashion

Darth Luck (Whiny Lord of the Sith)
by Ashion

Darth Gay
by Atrocity

Darth Australopithicus
by Gary T

The Good Sith of the North
by LittleJedi

Darth Goodie-Goodie-Two-Shoes
by LittleJedi

Darth Theresa
by LittleJedi

by Darth Arthur

a jedi who went to the dark side after being mocked about his size
by darth Puny

Darth Nader, the Green Party Sith
by Red 4

Darth Darth Binks
by Falcona De'Ozse'

Darth Circus: The bearded lady
by Darth Nubian

Darth Don't Hurt me!
by Darth Sethor

Darth H'Trad: Dark Lord of the Palindromes
by Kobayashi Beru

darth bumblebee
by mcchuckle

Jar Jar... Oh, wait. Sorry.
by Coruscant Jedi

by Darth Woopoo

Darth Maul got MAULLED!!!
by theblindman2

Darth Drew Carey - Gave his apprentice points even though they didn't matter.
by Heather Kenobi

Darth Dead Meat
by jedi_master_nathan

darth flatulence
by twist540

Darth Skunk
by Mara Jade Skywalker

Darth Cutie
by CoolGuy

Darth Brooks -- "I coulda missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss killing Qui-gon...."
by Kenya Starflight

Anakin Solo turns to the Dark Side: voila, Darth Rerun!
by Mara Jade Skywalker

Darth Holiday Special
by Mara Jade Skywalker

One from the Fan Ficers: Darth Real Life
by Mara Jade Skywalker

Darth Fartalot
by heeheehee

And heres....Darth Farts-o-lot!!!!!!!!!
by Cat

Derth Perot, he never did learn to spell.
by Jedi Girl of Corellia

Darth Copious, the fat sith.
by obi-wan korbert

Darth Evil!!!!!!!
by Darth Evil

Darth Ballsack
by Darth Evil

Darth Jar-Jar
by Darth Evil

Darth Greedo
by Darth Evil

Darth Fonzarelli
by obi-wan korbert

Darth Ghandi
by twist540

Darth Mole
by DNA Kenny

The Pope
by Michael

Couldn't they come up with a better name than a Sith Lord anyways? Jeez
by Mikey Bond

Darth Lemming. He jumped off a cliff expecting that he could fly using the force. Poor devil.
by Shelby the Incredibly Rare Mini Tiger

Darth Gore
by richard kuhlman

Bob Dole. Dole for Pineapple, not for Sith Lord
by Lemming

Darth Legume. Why does every one call him a nut?
by Shelby the Incredibly Rare Mini Tiger

Darth Butta (named for his largeness in stature)
by smalls

Dr. Evil. Does this need an explination?
by Shelby the Incredibly Rare Mini Tiger


Darth Cuddly
by Darth Bludgeon

by the guy who does Darth Mauls Hair

Darth Obvious, Master of Stealth
by Darth Colonel

This is my apprentice...Darth Pansy
by Grandmoff Tiff

Darth Not-Quite-As-Scary-As-Maul-But-Scarier-Than-Vader
by Black Sun

Darth Jar-Jar
by Black Sun

Darth Pinko - the Sith obsessed with hot pink
by Darth Ultor

Darth Pinko - the Sith obsessed with hot pink
by Darth Ultor

Darth Lawinski
by Journey man Gret

Darth Lawinski
by Journey man Gret

Darth Lavender - Sith Lord of the Craft
by Mikoyan

Darth Bush
by Tony

Mini Maul (A perfect clone, 1/8th the original size)
by Ashion

Darth Scary, Darth Sporty, Darth Baby, Darth Posh, and Darth Ginger (The Sith Girls)
by Jedi Master Eipee Free-Lee

Darth Dumminus (he had an accident with his lightsaber)
by Boba Dole

Darth Fuzzy
by Mystic

Darth Paul
by Darth Mildly Unsettling

darth fluffy
by jediprincess

Darth Jar Jar
by Jebo Knight

Darth Dork
by Jebo Knight

Darth Brooks
by PJ

Dartha Stewart
by Iella Wessiri

Darth Rocker
by Jason007

Davin Flite
by Darths Po, Tinky Winky, La-La, and Dipsy

Darth Richard Simmons
by DragonLordImrik

Darth Nixon ("I am not a Sith Lord")
by Jedi Lizzybean


Darth Elmo. Nothing else need to be said.
by Stelmarta

Darth Stinks a lot
by Alli

Jerika Mansel
by Lord Pee Wee Herman

exar kun
by jedi cost

Darth Jim-Bob, Sith Hillbilly
by Darth Stupidious

Darth Ash "Pikachu, blast that Jedi!"
by Darth Gojira

by Lord_Mane

Darth Bobo
by meteu kason

Darth Clitorous
by Weeb2k1

Darth Gore: Well, when I invented the force...
by Darth Hideous

Darth Vader's sister, Ella Vader
by DNA Country

That "Puf Daddy" thing on the humor section.
by Glacies

Dark Helmet
by Glacies

Darth (Your mother in law's name here)
by Glacies

Darth Clinton, Funkmaster of the Sith
by Burtino

Darth Barney
by godofnevermore

Darth-Zahir Hakim: He chokes every time
by Burtino

Darth Not-Appearing-In-This-Lightsaber-Duel
by Burtino

......You now the one with the big eyes
by happy the hut

Darth P-Diddy
by D-Man

Darth Lewinski
by area51cb

by Jaceman

darth annie
by cerasi

Darth(a) Stewart
by Karen Fitzgerald

Lord Touchy-Feely
by Scooter

Darth Clumsy
by Scooter

Lord Barney
by Scooter

Jar-Jar-- he was undercover
by Scooter

Kyp: What an idiot, trying to be on the dark side, and trying to destroy the empire - fool.
by Dave

Darth Pink fluffy Handcuffs
by Ferret Child

Darth Binks
by Kyia Kenobi

Darth Flatley, Dark Lord of the Dance
by (Imagine_cool_name_here.)

Lord Bob Dole

The guy fleeing Cloud City with an ice cream maker
by Dragon-Sith Trekkie-eater

Darth Pansy
by leelee

Darth Bob
by Kelther Topom

Darth W Bush
by DJ Brouillard

Lord Macarena
by Darth Bair

Darth Dubya (with his SSDI (Super Star Destroyer Initiative))

Sith of the Underwear
by Bria Palleen

Sith Lord of the Underwear
by Bria Palleen

Darth Shrek
by man of mouschwitz

Darth Ebola
by boba frat

Darth Barney
by angelespacem

Darths Jay and Silent Bob
by Donal

Darth Nader
by Tradan Antilles

George W. Bush
by Tradan Antilles

Darth Snuffaluffigus
by Tradan Antilles

by Tradan Antilles

Disco Darth and the Dancing Dark Side Five
by Bob the insignificant

Darth Poopiepants
by Tradan Antilles

Darth Stalin
by Tradan Antilles

Darth Poe
by Bubba_Bond/Fett

Lord La-La
by Bubba_Bond/Fett

Darth Culkin-He's just too darn cute!
by Bubba_Bond/Fett

Darth Hideous
by Bubba_Bond/Fett

Darth Poopypants
by El Chuxter

darth yoda
by sc

Darth Vader
by Haitham Al-Subaihi

by Darth Hideous


Darth Elmo
by Gua-Pa Botom

Darth Pookie
by Matt Stevenson

Two words: Darth Binks
by Idaho_Stallion

Darth Sidious, oh, wait, that one's been done already.
by Idaho_Stallion

Darth Bob- even while having no arms or legs he's still fun in the pool.
by Butch

Darth Apathy- He is probably not worth mentioning.
by God


by hello

Darth Powers Intergalatic Man of Annoyance
by Sonja

Darth Powers Intergalatic Man of Mojo
by Sonja

by Hoover

This realy sucks,you call this funny!
by Hoover

Darth Laid-her
by Hoover

Darth Laid-her
by Sr.Hoover

Darth CMOS, Lord of the .DLL
by Matt Gracier

Darth Spanky
by CoJo the Sane

Darth "Chappie who isn't really very nice"
by Darth Baker

Darth Ni
by Not quite so brave as sir gallahad

Darth Jaylow and Darth Peadiddy
by Brykoe

The evil sith that aired The Star Wars Holiday Special
by Brykoe

Darth Fluffy
by Jesse Z

Richard Simmons
by George Lucas

Darth Dumdum
by Mara Jade

Blue Jawa
by Lord George W. ........Need I say more

o-man i-suck
by YodaFeak

Darth woodyallinous
by double "O" Kevin

Dark Helmet . . . wait he wasn't even in Star Wars.
by Skywalker


Sith Happens
by Howard the Duck

Darth IrritableBowelSyndrome
by Lord Briano

Darth Cookies
by Crimson Sith

Uh, Hi. My name is Darth Phobia and... Ahhhhh!! A lightsaber!!! Take it away! Take it away!!! I'm a lightsaberphobic!
by BlueSaber

Hi. My name is darth Phobia and... Ahhhhh!!!!! A mouse!!!!!!!!! RUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!
by BlueSaber

Darth Boner
by Denzo

by doobie-wan kenobi

darth maul he sux!!! kinda!
by jason richards

Sith lord Wedge-ie
by pyscho starwars girl

the only sith lord wiht the amazing power to kill pepole-with his body odor
by pyscho starwars girl

the one that said-no i dont want the black outfit the white *jacket* will do fine
by pyscho starwars girl

Darth Murdock
by Darth Vader Lord of the Dance

Darth Strum Thurmond
by Matt Stevenson

by Alan W.

Al Gore
by Alan W.

Chief Lord Wiggum
by Ames

Darth Buttercup
by Jediboy Jason

Darth James Tiberious ....
by Jediboy Jason

Darth .....Tim.
by Jediboyjacen

Darth Shatner
by Jediboyjacen

The one who sings the malcom in the middle theme song while on the potty
by Jar Jar come home

Darth "I Call A Recount" Bore
by Dinko

Darth Tinky-Winky (He's Purple! Run for your Virginity!!!)
by The lovely and lethal Darth Veronica

Darth Tinky-Winky (He's Purple! Eh-ooh!!!)
by The lovely and lethal Darth Veronica

Darth Snot
by Ashta-Mei

Darth Snookums
by Chewie Baca

Luke:"Did you destroy the Rebel base yet?" Captain:"Uh, no, My Lord, not yet . . . " Luke:"Well, WHY NOT????

Luke:"Did you destroy the Rebel Base yet?" Captain:"Uh, no, My Lord, not yet . . . " Luke:"Well, WHY NOT????"
by The lovely and lethal Darth Veronica

Frank Senatra

Darth Hugz
by stormtrooper#2217456

Sith Lord Simons.....he proved to be to evil for any of them to handle
by Rose

Darth Vimtle darius Manty Lakel Nitino Gampiter Helam Dakerik ( we call him Bob for short)
by Kim-don Zign

Darth W. is natorious for, as he put it, his 'ferocitudiness and his terribilosity.'
by J. Q.

Marth Stewart
by Darth Denson

Lord Wicket
by mealso

Darth Blader
by Jedi Punk

Dark Helmet
by Grand Admeral Pawn

Darth Murdock
by Darth Vader: Lord of the Dance

Darth Sebastien (crab on little mermaid)
by angelespacem

Darth Elmo
by Ryan

Darth Doll
by Landon Squire

Can we say...Lord Barney...
by Henrietta's Daughter

Darth Gump, "Master always said stupid is as stupid does"
by Jedi Girl of Corellia

Darth Poo Poo Head
by nicco

Darth Clinton - he spears interns with his lightsaber.
by Ruh-el Styre, Jedi Knight

Darth Anderson - Does he write for children, or is he a child himself with evil Sith powers?
by Ruh-el Styre, Jedi Knight


darth pookie-bear
by clyde49

darth bozo - the force wielding clown of terror!
by clyde49

darth....jar jar? well someone had to say it
by clyde49

Lord Bah-Da-Bing!
by Brian Barnes

Tony Blair
by Yags

The guy who turned to the dark side simply out of pure anger and frustration at having to wade through all the "Darth Jar-Jar" entries
by Randall Flagg

Lord Wicket
by mealso

Darth Bawl
by Grand Admeral Pawn

Darth Nader: The Working Man's Sith Lord
by Auriellis

Bob the Sith Lord
by jasonth

Darth Maul (he got sliced by a padawan)
by jasonh

by Chris From Mich

Darth Blofeld
by Chris From Mich

Darth Barney
by DarthBastard

Darth Cuddles
by Wedge1138

Darth Eminem
by pyscho star wars girl

Darth "How do you turn on a light saber"
by Kris

I am Darth Pee Pee
by Stinky Chimp

Supa'fly Jackson
by Lil' Billy

Darth Stinky, the Lord of Flatulence
by Darth Darth Stinks

Richard Simmons as Darth You-Can-Do-It (I didn't know Sith Lords could be so..postive!)
by Bant Eerin

Darth BrainDead
by DarthME


Darth Jar Jar (He doesn't need a lightsaber or the Force,he'll just annoy you to death.)
by Mor'hia

darth pacifist !!!!
by mark uptegrove

Darth Barney
by Jovar Karada

darth dubya
by Chew Tobbacco the wokkie monster

Darth Huh?
by Gecko41

Lord Gutious Maximus
by Mavric Skywalker

Bill Clinton as Darth Interndater
by Dark Jedi

Jar Jar impersonating Vader
by Who wants to know?

Darth pants
by marajade

Darth Lucas (cos he can't even persuade 1 fan why it's necessary to delay the DVD release)
by Darth Thrawn

Darth Hemorrhoid, Dark Lord of the backside
by Nathanielstarr

Darth M.C. Hip hop lord of the Sith
by Nathanielstarr

Darth Paul Ruebens...nuff said
by Nathanielstarr

Darth Neo-one word: Whoa
by Nathanielstarr

Darth Simpson
by Nathanielstarr

Darth Shatner
by Nathanielstarr

1. Darth Liberace 2. Darth Brooks
by Mike-the-wonder-Bith

YADDLE-sorry this is an episode two spoiler
by diskerror

1. Darth Diverse 2. Darth Silliest 3. Emperor Ovaltine
by Obi-Lost

ronald macdonald
by steve mitchell

by sullijo

Sith Lord Richard Simmons
by Donnie

Darth Fabio
by Brykoe

Darth JarJar
by cool_kyle_15

Darth Brooks
by cool_kyle_15

Darth Pikachu
by cool_kyle_15

I am Darth pollywannacracker
by Ian Chamberlin

Darth Ella-Vader
by Tim-mimmay

Darth Brooks (You all know who that is )
by Chris Verge

Darth Fluffy
by Maramijade


Darth Apathy-- Dommed to obscurity for not doing a thing
by Kestutis Kalvaitis

Darth Jar Jar : God save us all if he's not killed in the prequels
by Tempest

Sith Silly Boy
by Eyeless_Loki

Darth Jar Jar
by Ben Maxwell

Darth Buffy, the Ewok Slayer !
by Cyberwulf

Darth I'm-not-touching-you
by Tennessee Jed

Darth Bozo...can't really kill people with a pie.
by Steve

Darth Census, Dark Lord of Florida Polls
by simian8

Darth Nerd, posted a lot on the HoloNet but never really got the killing bit right.
by Swiss Tobi

Darth narcolepsy
by sith lord

Darth Pot
by Darth Me

Darth Wicket - the evil Ewok sith lord!
by Ersh

Darth Creamy
by Boss Sassafrass

Darth Dipsy - The evil teletubbie who doesn't need a lightsaber. People are destroyed by his constant gibberish!
by Rich


Darth Hernia
by Pseudonym

The Olsen twins.
by Yoda the Movie

Dan Quail, he can't even spell, much less manage the Sith Empire.
by Yoda the Movie

Darth Shatner
by THX 6896

Darth Shatner, nuff said
by THX 6896

Miss Piggy
by anakin_walker_of_sky

Darth Mo Remon Eyforgl
by Grand Admiral Thong

Darth Vex, Darth Bane, whatever! As long as its a word most people don't use!
by Grand Admiral Thong

Darth Nader
by yendreck

And then there was the demented person known only as... Sith Puppy!
by I'm not telling.. so there! nah nah!

Darth Not Appearing in this Film
by Sithwitch

Darth Flatulence - The Gas Master
by Perator

Dart Tinki-Winki
by emperorbinks

Darth Tyrannasaurus Rex - King of the Jedi Lizards
by pompous george

Darth Ma & Greg
by fabi wan kenobi

Wicked Witch of the East
by woodelf

Yoda's long lost brother, Darth Soda! Aaaahhhhhhh
by Wedge Kiks @#*!

by Donnie

Darth Ronald (Lord of McDonnalds)
by Donnie

Darth Perot
by Forgreatjustice

Darth De-fec-tor - "Whatch out, he'll betray you!!"
by The amazing flying hutt

Darth Hendrix: "Scuse me while I kiss this Jedi."
by Burtino

that one, you know the one-what's his name...Pansy? No wait, that was his nickname...You know, the little scrawny dude...geez! What is his name? Got peed on by all the stormtroopers...Remember??
by rabid cow

Darth Homer
by angelespacem

Darth Impotent
by Boba.Phett

P. Diddy
by Joe Antilles

Darth-Darth Binks
by Joe Antilles

Darth Fuzzy (Vicious Ewok Sith)
by Joe Antilles

Darth Letterman (Check out his 'Stupid Jedi Tricks')
by Joe Antilles

Darth Alf
by Doc Magik

Darth Regis
by Joe Antilles

Darth Oprah
by Joe Antilles

Darth Meathead
by Joe Antilles

Darth Beavis
by Joe Antilles

Darth Antilles (Geez, 'Antilles' must be the Alderaan variation on 'Smith'. 'Bail' must be the equivalent to 'Joe'.)
by Joe Antilles

I don't know if it was a Sith, but that Harvey Korman in drag as an alien Julia Child was pretty bad.
by Joe Antilles

I know Luke never became a Sith, but if he did his name would be Darth Dorkus.
by Joe Antilles

Overall I think Darth Vader was the worst. Pretty sub par, especially... ach! Can't... breathe... gasp....
by Joe Antilles

Darth Cheney ("He's more machine than man now...")
by Joe Antilles

Darth Skippy, who learned the hard way to always register early for Sith names.
by Joe Antilles

Darth Odorus
by Lobot Monster

Darth Ignoramus
by Lobot Monster

Darth Pedestrian
by Lobot Monster

Darth Drip
by Lobot Monster

Darth Spanky
by Lobot Monster

Darth Mac (from mac & me)
by deane_david@hotmail.com

Pappa smurf
by Journeyman Gret