"Look, only ONE of you guys can try out for the Scarlet Spider part in the next movie!"
by youdotoomuch,you'renotsuperman,youknow

Here, let me just poke you in the eye a little bit more
by Tony & Joe

"Ow! My eye!"
by Mark Rosenthal

So what is this...thing coming out of my head?
by Frank McGuffen

Thins eyeliner will really bring out your baby blues!!!
by Grant W. Goldenstar, III

look at me like that one more time and i'll poke your eye out
by ObiRonKenobi

george lucas ever insistant on putting creature cameos in his movies went way overboard this time when he decided to include swamp thing
by ObiRonKenobi

"But with this pen in my eye I can't even see, how am I supposed to fight?"
by Crazy Jedi


Getting ready for prom is such a bitch.
by Kimmy Zign

"If he moves, gouge him."
by Chad Evans

by Ken Benobi

You know your skin tone really brings out your eyes!
by Paul Oxley

by PandaBaba101

you know what it's not easy being green
by dsteve

"Just a bit of eyeshadow mind you...I don't want to look like a freak"
by GEM

This is too disturbing already *without* a caption.
by Keith

Ya got something jammed in here real good....
by Keith

The extra from The Lord of the Rings keeps quiet, hoping no-one will notice he turned up at the wrong set.
by Keith

Get that thing out of my eye before I shove this horn somewhere very uncomfortable!
by Todd Querruel

"A little make up will cover that thing growing out of your head right up."
by Darth Shaft

That nothing, you should have seen this dude before the makeup!
by Qui-Gon Tom

Proof that make-up cant make everyone look good
by Qui-Gon Tom

I can't believe you came into work stoned, again. Let's see if this will get the red out of your eyes.
by Eric J. Brown

"I've discovered some kind of alien species...Maybe I should poke it in the eye!"
by Clonetrooper


"Forget my face, just get this dog poop off my head!"
by Darf Nader

So, are you single?
by Glen Patterson

What the Afghanistanian women really look like under their robes.
by Johnny Knoxville

please stand still my dear or i will pitch off your eye...

It is pointless to submit anythign it won't get posted anyways.
by Darthhoss

I think this eyeshodow will bring out your color, it owrked well for Prince Xizor.
by Darthhoss

"Now this is what I call A childrens favourite!"

"I really think my eyes are my defining feature."
by Darth Spike

"When you are done with my make-up, can you see if there is anything you can do with my hair. Oh my."
by Darth Spike

Deformities caused by make-up explosions...on the next Geraldo.

by Angelic_308

by Angelic_308

You'll thank me in the morning.
by Angelic_308

OK, 247 bristles, happy now?
by DataDroid

"Are you sure i look like the Queen","Yeah, you do) (muffled laughs
by Jaro Warren

Bob the hairdresser forgot not to look into Medusa's eyes. Now he is stone.
by Kango Fett

nope, i cant associate this with "pull my finger" at all.
by Paul Fallon

Eye docter Evasan
by Mad Porkins 1

New AOTC clear eyes ad
by sithin' Ewok

That WAS my eye...
by Kyle

this was how tall Yoda was befor he got into coffee
by rabid bantha

(Spoken with a hard lisp) "Oh buttercup, this will bring out those absolutly adorable eye of yours!"
by R@ndom

Yoda in (somewhat) better, youthful days.
by Darth Gimpy

Don't blink, your mascara is running...
by Andrew Cranford

"I'm going for the tree look. Either that or just a big root."
by JediKnightMeyer

To hide his cannibalism, the makeup artist only puts on makeup that makes others look inedible
by Why Should You Know?

Making of the holiday special
by David Fett


"now were just gonna add alittle happy blue"
by stratus

If you stick that thing in my eye I'm gonna cry.
by Durdge

so mr. make-up artist, do ALL the aliens with poo on their heads fall in love with you?
by rufus holmes

"So hows your wife doing?" "Good, good....Yours?" "Meh...she keeps telling me I've changed."
by Durdge

Our torture techniques VILL tell us who was leanking ze information!
by ReaperFett


(the slime thing, with it's eyes closed, thinking to himself) "Bob better be right about this plastic surgery thing, if this guy messes up my face I want a FULL REFUND..."
by blah the spider

Stop looking at me like that!
by Durdge

Is that what I think it is on his head?
by Darth Vulgar 2002

"Hey, mon, you wanna stop pokin that thing in me eye?"
by Darth Imran


AHA! PROOF that Cher is trying to reverse the aging process!
by the ewok avenger

what do you mean "starwars?"......... I was told I was doing make up for spiderman!!!!!!!!!!!
by Darth Ronald

Luke I am your Fath....er....um.....what am I?
by donna do ya wanna

Make up for Saturday Night? You shoul have lived in the 80's!
by andres fernandez

I'm melting...I'm Melting !!!!!!!!agggggg...........Sorry I thought This was wizard of Oz ll

I went drinking over at lucas's house last night ...passed out and look what he got his guys to do to me when I was passed out!! !!
by maul baby

incredibile Hulk baby..........nuff said!

Your lashes are so long and beautiful...
by Steingrabber

Time to start Ms. Portman's makeup......
by Mike Freeman

Wow, this new facial cream feels great! How does it look?
by _Wheels03

QVC tries to widen their cosmetic consumer audience.
by _Wheels03

Hold still. . . you've got a little green smutz in your eye.
by Todd Anthony

It takes a highly specialized team of one guy whose name we forget to make Jimmy Smits ugly.
by Katy Farry

"Do you really think this will bring out the color of my eyes?"
by Aku

This eye isn't the same shade as the other, let see if I can fix that ...
by Mobi Won

"OK Mr. Timberlake, I'm going to start putting your makeup on now. Try not to blink too much."
by Mr. Anderson

The latest terrorist video shows War leader Osama Bin Laden having his daily eyeliner treatment
by Senator_Sean

"The biggest problem with looking like a tree is the kids that want to climb on you...
by Rafgarion

Ya...Just a little bit more goo for the green look...
by Woodland_creature

Night Ninja
by Don't poke my eyte *poke* Stop it!

"Ooooh! Oooh! Just a liiiiittle to the left....Ahhhh! That's it!"
by Congrat JM

Night Ninja
by Don't poke my eye *poke* Stop it!

Yes, you'll do fine playing Yoda's evil twin.
by Skippy

-Are you sure I look like a turd? -Oh yeah! -What about the hair? -Oh yeah, the white hair makes you look like bird crap all the way!

If you'd stop moving, you wouldn't look so bad! I mean...
by lunajedi

For the last time I'm not a leprechaun and get that brush out of my eye there are no lucky charms in my head!
by Darth Bob

(make-up applier) "Trust me - you look gorgeous!! No one will ever notice that tiny pimple on your nose!"
by Mara Jinn

Green guy: So, how different do I look? Make-up artist: Oh, uh, totally different, Mr. bin Laden, sir, they'll never know it's, uh, you, heh heh! ~gulps~
by KeiYuri

ohh suit you sir, suit you!
by madjedi with many namesch

The eye shadow is great, but I have keep getting the feeling there's a dead fish on my head.
by hank

Adam and Dr. Drew love to play dressup after every show.
by Art M.

Are you sure Darth Vader looks like this?
by Daath Vaadeer

Yoda: The Drug Years
by Peter Tutham

"Do you know how the Orcs were first created...?"

Oops, Watch your eye!
by Coruscant Jedi

The final blob of glue revealed the broken vase had not been put back together right.
by Flash Natsirt

Yea, I know there's something in my eye, its your brush!
by Novi-Wan Kenobi

"You've got beuatiful eyes..well, at least you will in a couple of minutes."
by DavidW

"You know, Bill, in the movie, I'm just a salesman on Tatoonie. You should see me in that new Jedi Outcast game. I have a lightsaber!"
by Max

I feel pretty
by Kherbetr

You! Stop looking at ME!
by David Putnam

For once, the human probes the alien/
by BrenDarklighter

You stick that thing in my eye and I'll stab you in the heart with it. Ever seen "Pulp Fiction"?
by Steven Ballesteros

You stick that thing in my eye and I'll stab you in the heart with it. Ever seen "Pulp Fiction"?
by Steven Ballesteros

what the..oh thanks Einestien you just POKED MY EYE!!
by Jonathatn Demers

What are you doing to my precious skin!
by Eddy

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
by Metyl Gunnm

If Leia and Luke had a son, he'd probably look like me.
by Metyl Gunnm

"After I'm done with your eye exam, I'll have to ask you to turn your head and cough."
by Metyl Gunnm

"Kiss me, I'm Irish."
by Metyl Gunnm

I told you I don't know anything. NO! NOT THE EYE! PLEASE NOT THE EYE!
by rabid jawa

"Hold still...almost got it...okay...got that eyelash for you."
by Darth Sillious

Welcome to the planet of Asparagus!
by Jelp

Mr. Lucas took it one step further: Ork crossed with Goblin crossed with Twi
by Darth Vader

Mr. Lucas took it one step further: Ork crossed with Goblin crossed with Twi'lek crossed with The Green Giant
by Darth Vader

"Your really cute, you know. What are you doing after work? We can go get a few beers or something..."
by Queen Jamima

"There ya go - one last touch-up and you'll look fresh out of the nose!"
by harley.quinn

Mom always said "one day your gonna poke someones eye out with that"
by m-l-s

senator, "so....you're sure I don't look green right? I have to look good for my campain you know." Man, "Oh, you look just LOVELY!!" *sniggers*
by Wenelda

Are you using the non-run stuff? I don't work with the runny stuff.
by Mikos_Epistimi

thinking: "First he will finish my makeup. Then I kill him."
by Proctris

Would you mind drawing me some pupils?
by Mikos_Epistimi

So I said to the guy: "Hey, if you can't accept me for who I am, then you can just go turn to stone."
by Mikos_Epistimi

Bill and Hillary, Hillary on the left!
by Isaac and Hannah

"Dont look at me liek that" "Why" "It makes me uncomfortable"
by EwanMcLover

"CGI, my ass! They won't replace us yet!"
by TIE7592

Alright now keep very still laser surgery has to be very precise... crap, um the temperary vison loss is normal.
by Stormblade

And then I says to George, I says "Does this make me look fat?" so he says No, and gives me this free weekend at the spa and thats why i'm here. Oh honey, you work wonders with that.
by Darth Dyas

And now, I'll just activate this lightsaber brush.. opps! Well maybe we'll just make you a one eyed alien.
by Joel

This isn't what I thought Lucasfilms meant when the job offer said '3D Artist Wanted'...
by Pyro Sith's Dad

Well if the clear eyes can't erase redness...
by Obi one

"AHA! So THAT'S where the green goblin is hiding!"
by spiderman

Next on Fox - "When Facials go bad"
by Jedi Keith

"Maybe she's born with it -- Maybe it's Maybelline"
by Kenya Starflight

So when you gonna put the make up on?!
by Durdge

"For the last time, I don't use Mascara!!!"
by drtherc16

Just going to put a little more color in your eyes... this may hurt a bit...
by Dan Reyes

Obi-Wan Kenobi had plastic surgery in order to hide from the empire
by Crystal

Do you need new glasses? I thought the rings were supposed to go around my eyes, not IN them!
by Rancor tooth

Robert Blakes other wife
by armed201

Swampthing now has a cameo in Episode 2
by Possessed Freak

does my face match my moss? i want that yoda look.
by EwanMcLover

"Are you sure this is going to make me look like Boy George?"
by Ertin Guroc

... and this by Clinique will give you more green than you can imagine!
by Erick

Green alien: "Good evning earthling" Man: "Wow! where are you from?" Green alien: "...earth... anyway..."
by Jedi Master Kyle Culver

The eyeliner is going to smudge, unless you stop blinking!
by Adri

See me...feeelllll meeee... touch me....heal meeeeee....
by Coca-Cola

"oh yes honey, this brings out the evil yellow glow in your eyes" ::squeal::
by make it stop!!!! "I escaped somehow"

Return of the DeadEye
by Fett 73

But before he could ravage the set someone noticed the snoz called security and gonzos attempt to save Jim Hensen was over!!!!

"I'm camoflouged, you can't see me!"
by DarthMark_

Chief Wiggum voice - "Allright, Boys, Swab their eyes with Mace."
by Also Raze

The long task of applying makeup of Grand Moff Tarkin begins
by Kitty

(in bugs bunny voice) "I love this job, you meet some INNNNteresting people"
by Xlnyc77@yahoo.com

Dude having fun? because I'm not!!!
by Sara Jinn

Hey dude,watch where you point that thing...OW THATS MINE EYE YOU IDIOT!!! I mean geez man I aint that ugly..You old fart
by Sheena Phillips

So George do you like your new makeover.
by jarjardude

So George do you like your new makeover.
by jarjardude

Rejected Dark Lord of the Sith villain from Episode II: Darth Kermit
by Vlad The Inhaler

You have such beautiful eyes...
by Kirana TI

Now let's add a little happy green
by Brad Kan Obi So Cool

Mrs. Doubtfire revisited
by Brad Kan Obi So Cool

To Infinity and beyond
by Lachlan Heywood

Medusa was unavailable for AOTC, so they got her sister
by Brad Kan Obi So Cool

ZZZZZZZZZZ huh? hey! What are you doing
by Lachlan Heywood

(singing): I feel pretty... oh so pretty...
by amnaman

"Hold still just a few minutes longer, Mr. Data, while the makeup dries; you don't want to know what happened to the last protocol droid that looked better than him..."
by Fantome, The Menacing

On the set of The Exorcist 4
by Durdge

"You know, master Yoda isn't going to appreciate you impersonating him this Galactoween."
by Maul, Jr.

Denis Rodman prepares for his debut on the Galactic HoloNet
by Maul, Jr.

"Uhhhh-Mrs. Clinton, are you sure this is the look you want for your speech?"
by Maul, Jr.

"Wait, let me pull out this eye....UUUUUURRRRRRRR..............GOT IT!!" Uh-oh. Umm-GEEEEEEOOOOOORRRRRRRRGGGEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"
by Maul, Jr.

I'm Ready for my close up Mister DeVille
by Darth Dyas

after almost 40 mins of the off set staring comp the make up artist "remembered" to touch up the alien guy's makeup but blinked after noticing that the makeup had actually burned off the guy's eyelids
by Keith Nallawalla

"Im ready for my closeup, Mr. Lucas..."
by eren

"When I said I wanted to be a Jedi, I meant a HUMAN Jedi." "Quiet! I'm trying to find a place to put your third eye..."
by The Guy With The Face

Despite hiring a makeup artist the Jolly Green Giant couldn't disguise the fact that he had aged terribly...
by jadepadawan

"Okay, the booger-looking horns were one thing, but rouge?"
by The Guy With The Face

Having to sit through many hours of make up, the Jolly Green Giant jokes got old very fast
by Darth Nefarious

"How am I gonna pick up chicks when I look like something that Jabba spit up?" "Don't worry, chicks will look for inner beauty! Do you have inner beauty?" "No."
by The Guy With The Face

"Oh my god....have you never heard of a moisture cream. I am not sure if this beauty mask can help you."
by Darth Lagerfeld

This one time...at band camp...
by Mike Gunther

"And how are we THIS week Cher? Ok, today I'm just gonna remove a little excess skin around the eyes...."
by Randall Flagg


While the green guy sleeps, this guy's writing LOVE YOU on his eyelids.
by Randall Flagg

So this is what happens when you sleep to much outdoors.
by Darth Rex

even the aliens need makeup sometimes
by Kat

fight breaks out in epside 2 make up room as actor is stbbed brutaly in the eye
by Spike

we had to use make up to make his mother in law look better than this original picture.
by legoleia

Yarna's son prepares for a life of Hutt-dancing...
by Aquasquish

(Green guy) Its really hard to be frightening when it looks like you have Dairy Queen softserve on your head, you know?
by Big McLargehuge

Really! Green is DEFINITELY your color...
by Jerad Bailey

u have such beautifull eyes evone
by drdozzer

"If you poke this eye out again you will hear from my lawyer
by clonetrooper108


Moments later, he turns to stone......
by Vesp

"You see, I want to have that Swamp-Monster-Looking-For-Your-Children look that's so popular."
by Vesp

"There Natalie, this eyeshadow is just perfect! But, uh, I think the face gel we applied got dry and the perm, well...you can go look in the mirror, and I'll just um, leave for a while..."
by DarkLadyoftheSith

I mean, look at yourself, sir! Those dark circles under your eyes? We'll just cover them up with a little pretty job, now... but I have no clue what I'm gonna do for that growth on your head!
by Brian

Wow, this guy's a really good artist! That painting looks almost lifelike!
by marajay

Before the shooting of her next music video, Britney Spears arrives early to begin undergoing hours of make up!!!
by jmaster_tahl

Ewan McGregor before he get's his make up.
by Eric Merrell

by Ken Clark

"Now remember, the key to putting on makeup is to make it look like you aren't wearing any."
by Steve Underwater

"You know, you are quite good at painting my face, I love you man"
by tess-wan

I don't know
by Stephanie

Have you seen any flying dogs around here?
by Travers

Oprah: Before makeup
by peter henry

Trust me, just a little make up will take care of the bags under your eyes. Ah, you look fabulous darling.
by Darth Super-funk

Hah! I poke you! Hee Hee!
by Crimsonboyy

"Trust me, this will bring out the yellow in your eyes."
by Darth Vitae

hey doc........when you are done puling the bits of Jedi out of my eye, do you think you could get the lightsaber out of my A&&???
by Comidus

"...and so anyway, I'm all like 'Lucas is lookin' sooo totally tacky in those butt tight pants and immitation Nikes and geuss who overheard me? That totally stuck up Kenobi!" "Oooooh girlfren!"
by Newbie Wan Kenobi

Ok Brittney, with this makeup you can make a cameo on Episode II. That lame ex of yours thought that he and his friends could make a cameo WITHOUT makeup... big mistake!
by Obi Wan DelToro

"Huh! That's like putting perfume on a pig!"
by Darth Ambros

"What do you mean, a liitle mascara wont make me look any better?"
by chiefjawa

I'll just dab on a bit of foundation and whola! Elle McPhereson look out!

now don't we look prettier by just applying eyeshadow?
by Winston Claro V. Morasa


Sorry about the mess...
by Jedi Master Tin Tin

Covering up that fungi
by Christian Martin

"My credentials? Hmmm, well I did make-up on Swamp Thing, Swamp Thing 2, and uh,... oh yeah, Revenge of Swamp Thing"
by Nick Cronick

Hey! Point that thing someplace else!
by Yodarth

Oww! My eye! R2, R2, help me, quickly!
by Yodarth

"Is that a stem coming out of your head or are you just happy to see me"
by Pandas_UNITE

The Marauding Makuppers strike again!!!
by darthypoo

"You're sure this will make me look 25 years younger?"
by Fox609

The new sith lord, Darth Orc
by Darth Pickel

You know, you really should leave the blast shield down when working on your blaster!
by Red 5

Hold still, you big baby, it's just an eyelash! Sheesh! No wonder you didn't get the role of Boba Fett!
by Red 5

"Time to make you BEAUTIFUL!"
by Count BLAH

You have very beautiful eyes.....fancy a fuck!
by Bob Dillon

"Squint your eyes, and think sexy."
by Mr. Man

Queen Shrekidala
by Jet Vega

What's this? A spear sticking out of his face? Lets get that off...
by Xstar

I think I may have overdone it a bit. Hmm yeah I did, we're gonna have to go CG with the Hulk
by Adam

I don?t think painting my eye ball with that thing is a good idea
by A.J.

"There, now you look like my mother-in-law"
by me

This makeup artist applies the final touches to the man playing Darth Yaul-Yoda and Darth Mauls secret love child.
by Arkbear

Makeup preparing the Green Giant for his cameo in Episode 2
by Boston Salamander


Don't worry! I saw Schwarzenegger do this in 'The Terminator' once!
by Pmarq

"...i was Theodore of Gable Stills...and now this......an extra for George 'have my good friend Black Book you' Lucas..." ....:sigh:....
by Bomarr800@aol.com

This needs a funny caption?!
by Domdova

Stylest "Now a little touch up here... and there... you just look fabulous, that jedi master Yoda isn't going to know what hit him... or anybody else for that matter."
by John Bacon

This wasn't the cure for pinkeye I was thinking of
by Chad

Make-up guy: "I went to four years of college for THIS?"
by Manuella

After the Yoda puppet was destroyed in a warehouse fire, Lucas was forced to make a few last-minute cast changes.
by Dark Kirby

Stop trying to distract me by jabbing this paintbrush in my eye, I know where your other hand is, and it's making me ill.
by Emperoress Palpatine

by ben carrett

Hello, may I present to you Gorg, our very first clone-trooper! What ever you do, don't talk about that thing on his head! He doesn't know it's there yet!!
by Noble

How do you keep your skin silky smooth? " , " i dont swim in sewerage for a start."
by boogy town

Hurry up with the makeup already! Your so slow you've gone gray and i've got trees sprouting out of my head!
by Jedi Mary

Oh, you are going to look soooo pretty for your date with Yoda!
by Deebs

Spinach Man from Episode II: Attack of Popeye
by Mister E

I told you not to stick that thing in my eye.
by yoda

Oh! This lime eyeshadow does wonders for your complexion
by H

Don't worry Miss Portman we will have you ready for filming soon.
by Nearly as good as Fett

Trust me after I'm finished Jabba will fancy the pants off you!
by Dengar 69

" I'm telling you, the Taliban will never tell ther difference"
by Fat Chap

:falls over laughing: This doesn't need a caption!
by Keith

"So, whaddya think of Padme's leather dress, huh? I hear George designed it himself." "Yeah, I know. Phwoar!"
by Keith

"Something for the weekend, sir?"
by Keith

OK, now that you've got all this solidified mud off my face, could you get rid of the rest of it so I can move?
by Keith

Michaelangelo in his later years.
by Keith

Michaelangelo during his 'experimental' period.
by Keith

Extra: "Finally! After four hours in makeup, I'm finally gonna be in STAR WARS! I'm so excited!" George Lucas: "I've decided not to bother with this scene, fellas. Sorry." Extra: "NOOOOOOOO!"
by Keith

Phil ! do you have to keep poking me in the Eye!?!
by Dark Peon of The Sith

Look , its Madonna without make up!
by Dark Peon of The Sith

Back in my day we didn't have face paint handy all the time , we had to walk to walk 15 miles through Ice and snow , buck necked to the store !
by Dark Peon of The Sith

ok , whos been slipping yoda Steroids?
by Dark Peon of The Sith

Don't let that brush fool you , thats his real face!
by Dark Peon of The Sith

Then I told the guy you can kiss my green Vine covered butt!
by Dark Peon of The Sith

I'm confused is this Behind the scenes of Episode II or Behind the Scenes of the Lord Of The Rings Trillogy?
by Dark Peon of The Sith

Face Loran in costume.
by Mistryl Lady

Next, on E!'s "Fashion Emergency":A senator from Coruscant needs help getting ready for a night on the town.
by Darth Poobah

It ain't easy being green
by Darth-Demented

"Hold still, there is something 'fleshy' colored in your eye. There, I got. it. All green again."
by Gossimer Whitwing

The wicked sith of the west gets her final make-up application
by The Black Knight

Yoda in his Teen years getting a tatoo that lasts 800 years
by SvF_BD02_Wedge

If you're going to be a stunt double for Amidala, wearing her head gear just isn't enough. We simply MUST do something about that face.
by Paper Jedi

Hey! You better think about the plank in your own eye before you mess with the speck in mine.

George wants the "battle torn" look for you. Now if you'll just hold still for a moment, I'll pry your left eye from your skull. You might feel a little stick.

I could really go for some brocolli right now
by mike

Ok harrison, listen up, this may fool lucas into thinking your someone else at a distance, but not close up
by ben_hollingbery@hotmail.com

To the horror of George Lucas, the make-up artist was color blind and painted the red alien green.
by Jedi Adam

Hey! Hey you! I'll swallow your soul!
by Scissorhands

i thought she was 18
by youbetterputthis

Eliminate those unsightly bags under your eyes with our new Green Skin treatment!
by Grandma Tarkin

i thought she was 18
by youbetterputthis

"You look mahvelous, dahling! A little more eyeliner and you'll knock 'em dead!"
by Grandma Tarkin

Jango Fett prepares to enter the Republic Witness Protection Program ...
by Grandma Tarkin

"I'm an Autumn -- green is my best color!"
by Darth Penelope

Oh, your doing it all wrong!
by Jedijoshman

I am starting to look like my sister in the morning.
by Christian Eriksson

Ms. Portman reports for an early makeup call after a hard night of partying.
by Scuba-Steve

photo from the Lucasfilm museum... "here we have an archaic photo of life before CG characters.
by alcornc

You have something green, right..... over .....here!
by Greg Durron

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
by Darth Yoda

When I said I wanted green eyes, color contacts is more like what I had in mind.
by Darth Sethor

Get that crap out of my eye before I eat you.
by 5+9=Chunga's Revenge

Makeup requirements were particularly difficult. Here we see an artist beginning the four to five hour process of turning actor K'shim V'hree into a Hobbit.
by Sweet Uncle Biggs

So, are you free tonight?
by Aviluke

Tell me more about my eyes...
by http://www.geocities.com/iridonia_tsl

My what a beautiful eyes you have. You sure that you're not Medusa? I don't want to be stoned.
by deafJedi

I can't believe they put the Jolly Green Giant in this movie.
by sp33calvin

Shortly thereafter, Julia Roberts' make-up artist was fired.
by Tex

Oh totaly... the sea weed hair look is so in this year!
by Joey Yott

Oh, green is SO your color! Uh, you look tres chic!
by Johnie Vespusian

mutters " I cant belive George wants to bring back the Swamp Thing!
by Obi-Who?

Poke in the eye with that thing again, and I'll leak methane at you!
by Capn Bob

This week on "When Eyeliner Tragedies Strike" - The Tammy Faye Bakker Story...
by snowdog83

Even Howard Stearn has bad hair days.
by Craig Becker

by Marlon Kock


Senator Amidala before they apply makeup!
by The Black Knight

And then the Tin-man destroyed the wicked witch of the Sith, restoring balance to Oz
by The Black Knight

"Oh, lovey! You're looking wonderful. Now, a little bit of eyeshadow and we'll have you ready for the ball!"
by Kai

"I TOLD you you're taking too long with that make-up! It's already sprouting moss!"
by Macaroni Penguin

And then the wicked witch of the Sith destroyed all the little munchkins when her Star Destroyer came crashing down out of the sky
by The Black Knight

"No amount of makup in the world will make you look any better, but at least I can fix your eyeliner."
by IB4Natalie

"Neyrrrrrr...here comes the X-Wing, flying down the Death Star trench!*
by Darthie_Hamster

Christina Aguilera brings her own make up artist for her cameo in Episode 2
by Patrick the Semi-Estranged Hapa

Lucas, offscreen: Hey, Al! Hurry up, we need you back here! Al: Yeah, be right there, as soon as I'm done with Darth Pickle here....
by SlrBtrcp

Aahhh, I can't believe it. My first born daughter is actually getting married. That's my girl.
by ColoradoJedi

Amidala's costumes just kept getting uglier and weirder...
by The Jedi Master or BBQ's daughter.

by JediTre11

Trust me, you'll look at least ten years younger. If not then I'll do your breasts.
by Jeditre11

My stars! If an in-teresting monster can't have an in-teresting hairdo...
by lapianoman

"You know, I have a friend who's a plastic surgeon . . . "
by spectralsith

"So then I says, "FIFTY credits!
by Darthie_Hamster

Keith Herbert

alien "Hey have you ever tried eating some of that stuff?" guy "no" "Have any extra cans?" "no" ".........Have you tried eating that stuff..."
by darth insert random name here

Finally, I can stop doing make-up for Star Trek.
by wacky wookie

Backstage of Montell Williams show: "He's lost six and a half tons and he feels great! Please welcome today's special guest, Jabba the Hutt!"
by Jedi Master Slym Fazt



Oops! Sorry Miss. Portman, I must have grabbed the wrong make-up kit.
by Jedistooge

Ugh, this ALWAYS makes my eyes water!
by Teric

Well, your pupils are a little dilated, but that doesn't explain the plant on your head.
by Artimus

You say Amy Dolby stuck this pen in your eye
by Marcus Hessin

when she gets the horse dung out of her system, we'll date
by osya venta ku

"Oi! Vat are you trying to do? Poke my eye out!"
by Sebastian Mankowski

Zombie extra #3680....
by Obi the Kid

now hold reeeeal stil and george will never know that "ani" ran over the real ailien with his pod racer
by laura

by John Myers

by John Myers

My platform is *burp* world peace.
by Jaque Pithon

"Couldn't I just wear green contact lenses?" "Nah, we never got the colors to match. Just try not to think about it." "AAAAHHH!!! IT BURNS! IT BUUUUUUUUURNS!!!"
by John Myers

Joseph Degrep
by Hey, you got something in your eye.

Stick that thing in my eye again and I'll bite your nose off.
by Ryan

"Is this a new look for you?" "Yes, do you like it?"
by R5-F2

Madonna, you know better than to sleep without cleaning your pores!
by Bob

Look deeply into my eye weakminded
by WildSyco

Darth vader after a complete facial reconstruction
by WildSyco

Guy on right. "Tell me how did you get such a stylish looking hair??"."Humm sir? Hello"."HEY". Ask another guy "Hey whats wrong with this dude, he seems quiet". Guy answere
by WildSyco@hotmail.com

Guy on right."Tell me how did you get such agood looking hair.Humm sir? Hello?"Ask another guy "Whats wrong with this guy?".Guy answers "Huh, what? Just shut up and finish painting that statue!"
by WildSyco@hotmail.com

When you're done with my eye, could you work on getting this bird off of my head?
by The Great Jedi Wannage

I tell you, my day is rough. I go in for 6 hours of makeup, then we film for 30 minutes, then another 6 hours of taking the makeup off. Then yesterday I found out I'm being replaced with a CGI.
by The Great Jedi Wannabe

After the cancellation of Alley McBeal, Callista Flockhart just stopped caring about her appearance.
by Jedi Yosho

"Look, can't you just do me in CG or something...this make-up's got me chaffing like a bear."
by MrBeanTroll

"am i too green?"-"no! (hahahaha)
by fantumas

by Darth Hideous

Umm, are you sure this is what Yoda looks like?
by Darth Hideous

A face only a mother zuchinni could love
by bronski

"Do you really think you can get this bantha crap off me?"
by Minmac

by Am I really THAT ugly?

by Please don't look at me like that!

"So I'm gonna have a big part in this movie right?" "Yeah. Sure. Stop blinking."
by Mike Runnestrand

Well, that's it, almost done.... What? You're here for Star Wars?? Well, I hate to tell you this, but this is the set for Farscape, Star Wars is down the hall......
by Tony Puckett

And I apply zee last stroke... voila, zee Queen's make-up is completed. How you like?
by Yoda's Luv Shack

Alright, Mrs. Blair. We'll have you good for public viewing in no time.
by Specter Kevlar

Alright, Mrs. Blair. We'll have you good for public viewing in no time.
by Specter Kevlar

Well Michael Jackson I'm not sure I can fix this last plastic surgery with some make up.
by Theodore Whittington

Oh, yes dear this color really does brighten up your cheeks
by N8

Don't stick that thing in my eye man! You'll make me cry! God KNOWS I don't cry for anyone but Smoochy.
by Durdge

Ya got any deathsticks?
by Durdge

"So did ya hear I'm gettn married?" "Oh really?" "Yea" "Cool........to what?"
by Durdge

I can't believe I'm gonna be in the new Star Trek movie! Hey wheres that Shatner guy?
by Durdge

Honestly, if green a good color on me???
by tarkinsaide

So have you ever actually seen one of em wookies? That...that Tobacco character is pretty cool! Oh...Chewie?
by Durdge

Ah this costumes making my nuts itch!
by Durdge

After this wanna get sh*tfaced?
by Durdge

You are the most attractive crocodile i've ever seen!
by Darth Khaine

The question Star Wars fans across the world have been asking. Is Lucas on crack?
by Durdge

Queen Amidala's new dress really brings out her eyes!
by Durdge

"See if I were to just poke you right there...sh*t...Ok...were gonna be another 10 hours buddy."
by Durdge

Amidala's mother....only by name....of course.
by Durdge

If you have any information as to the where abouts of this man please call us.
by Durdge

"Now we'll just apply the make-up."
by Durdge

Okay, for this scene, Ewan, you need to look really hungover.
by Gary G

"My first Cosmo cover, I've come a long way baby!"
by Troy Arnote

by Luke

Man:" Are you sure you're in STAR WARS? You sure do look like an Ent from The Lord of the Rings. Here let me poke you to make sure."
by Daniel Glasglow

"Yeah, and then there were these three kids and a furball who fell into the water and woke me up, so I grabbed the whiney one and pulled him under, then I raised my Eyeball Cane up ...
by Daniel Glasglow

Wait a minute,Andy I know I told you I didn't trust you with my make-up now you got it all over my face
by Dany Curtis

I started this movie as a young man..how things have changed..hey! where is my Frapachino!
by Jedi_Lorano

Howard Stern was green with envy...
by Craig Becker

The auditions for the new Dairy Queen mascot weren't going as well as George had hoped.
by Darth Duncan

If you would quit squinting your eyes, we could get this done alot faster.
by Jedi Kim

"And if we mix the yellow, green, and brown, we get a lovely color I like to call 'puke'."
by Mr. Zero

by Rick Kenobi

this orc got lost while trying to find frodo, when he aimlessly walked on to the star wars set he got the part of dath vader's stunt double
by lil hobbit

Let me just poke that eye out, so you don't accidentally read any of the spoilers on TFN's newspages.
by Fantome, the Menace

hey! hey! hey! watch the eyes
by Fleet archon

Is this SW or one of those bad art shows on channel 13?
by Jade's Fire2003

This piece is entitled "Self Portrait."
by Jade's Fire2003

There! Natalie Portman won't be able to resist me now!
by Maniac2002

Ey ey! Watch the eye!
by John Mai

Why won't you hand me the mirror! I can't look that bad can I?
by n1k2s

"Anyway...I went to see this optician..."
by Sting


Well, we'll begin gently brushing the raw sewage from your body around the eyes first...
by Lord Nate of Sith

The Wicked With from The Wizard of OZ makes a suprise comeback in Episode 2
by apostleX

There, the makeover is almost complete - I just need to cover those light circles under your eyes!
by Rebadams7

jerry,how many times do i have to tell you,keep that outta my eye!
by general_salm

Ted instructs the class on the correct way to remove the cornea with an Exacto knife
by John Iodice

" Don't look at me like that, you decided to get that wookie drunk."
by LordExarKun

what do you mean it's not a mask
by Yoda y2k

There, Miss Portman. Now, nobody's going to notice that pimple.
by MrCoulomb.

Ok I am ready to put your makeup on now......this might take a while
by Valcheck


"A little to the left--"
by Annie

"A little to the left--" "Ah! My eye!"
by Annie

"You're sure this will get me onto the sets for both Star Wars and Lord of the Rings?"
by Sputnik

"You know in this light your eyes make me so horny." "Shut up you know I'm saving myself for that Gungan &%#)*! Binks!"
by Darth Dominous

You are doing a great job. I am a lock for that Swamp Thing gig.
by BD

After several hours in make up, Ewan McGregor wonders what April Fool's joke George Lucas has thought up this time.
by Sweezely!

by DigitalDarth

Michael Jackson finally takes the cosmetic surgery too far.
by shua

"There. Now no one will even notice that unsightly pimple. You're beautiful again!"
by shua

"Sorry, Four Eyes. I may be hideous, but I still don't swing that way."
by pilgrim shahdo

"Excuse me, could you please NOT stick that in my eye? I kinda need it, thanks."
by Darph Bobo

Being a tree in the high school play finally pays off
by Swingin' Vader

"just a little more....there....You're all set Mr.President. You can be in the next scene"

Are you sure you've got the right make-up there?
by Adam

Yes, yes have a close look sir. In today's proceedure, we will be using this extremely thin, lowpowered lightsaber to remove that unsightly celery stalk from your head. Now just relax.
by Nabooya Jones


i don't care what they say in paris.., the medusa look is back baby!!!
by darth vader's 2nd son

Supercuts-It's got to be the hair!
by Bobo Fett

Who needs clones when you can have Attack of the Living Dead?
by ~Becky~

You get that in my eye and I swear, Jabba will be after your whole family....
by Eric Thomas

"Why can
by Red Oktobur

"Why can't I just have glasses like you?"
by Red Oktobur

Swamp Thing's new look for spring
by Matt Stevenson

i dont know what you're saying mate, id rather be green than grey
by t!m

You guys can't pick funny captions worth sh1t. My caption was funnier than all of the ones you selected last week. What do you do? Just pick randomly? Probably from a tight group of dork friends.
by Disgruntled Captioner

This mascara will really bring out the green in your... uh... face.
by Matt Stevenson

See the size of that paintbrush? THATS why makeup takes 6 hours to put on! Use a roller!
by Matt Stevenson

Do you have anything in blue?
by Barba the Hutt

Anakin surrendered to the Dark Side (and screamed) shortly after seeing Padme without her makeup.
by Chanel Episode 2

Strange guy paints luke skywalker when sleeping....."Lets see how the whiney bitch likes this he he he"
by Yo Yo Ninja Girl

"You sure George wants Umpa Lumpas on Naboo?"
by DJ Faight

George Lucas gets prepared for his cameo role in Episode II.
by Matt Cottrell

This is the LAST time I let you do my make up for the prom.
by Asnoalkoin (guess what my name means!)

"you screw up my makeup and your a Winged Monkey!"
by Liam

The Swamp Thing becomes the major villian in Epidode 3, according to a source within Lucasfilm
by Vesp

by Dab...or dab not. There is no eyeliner.

Dab or dab not. There is no eye...liner.
by Jelly Jam Jar Jar

The Dark-Side Of The Scarecrow
by Brian Jones

Hey! Watch where you're putting that brush! You're getting my moss clean!
by Alex

This is Boba Fett. Now we understand his helmet.
by Tenniru

"Oh, yeah, and you want ME to stop flinching..."
by Jeedai Bob

Does this makeup make me look ugly?
by Jeedai Bob

"Ya, this fishnet will make your costume authentic!!!" "Are you sure?" "I'm positive, George."
by Mara Jade

"This darn eyelash won't come out!"
by Darth Petey

Micheal Jackson in his AOTC cameo
by Feak Duran

You know, you really should let the eye doctor look at that.
by Jedi Ferret

let me get those bags under your eyes
by bad

What the make-up artist didn't know about the alien was that the swirl on top on its head meant he really liked him.
by Crowtrinity

What the make-up artist didn't know about the alien was that the swirl on top on its head meant he really liked him.
by Crowtrinity

What the make-up artist didn't know about the alien was that the swirl on top on its head meant he really liked him.
by Crowtrinity

W Swamp Thing was starting to regret agreeing to a cameo in Episode II
by Darth Kamis

The Choice is Clear Clear Eyes
by Stu

Here...let me get that eye snot out for you. There,.. all better now?
by sithlordx2

Geez, I wish artificial insemination was a bit easier!
by antimike

I know, but Mr. Lucas insits that we paint directly on the cornea so the we don't have use those "expensive" contact lenses.
by Jedeye

"You really should stop playing with that pepper spray."
by Shaun Ediger

Dude, you've got a paintbrush in your eye... lemme get that for you.
by Emperor Palpatim

"Would you mind not painting my eyeball?"
by Kevin

what are you looking at???
by Noget

Drax Vader
by "dont forget my mascara luvvie"

"How do ya like your Blue Eyed boy Mr Death?"

Do you think anyone will notice that I have a candle on my head?
by Keith

Does my cone look big in this?
by Keith

Dude!!!...you were awesome in the exorcist!!!
by Mike Gunther

(Has a speak impediment/lisp) So, where are you going on holiday then?
by DJ Darth

The Incredible Hulks' sister tries out for the part of Padme
by The Black Knight

hmmm...your eyes aren't red enough...one more poke oughta do it *poke*
by Michael Whiteside

"Oh, and this will just bring out eyes so nicely..."
by Black Sun

I LOVE your hair, but honey, you really need to lighten up on this makeup!
by ecbeames

Hey, didn't they have one like this on the Official Site's captioning page?
by Kenya Starflight

...and we'll paint a happy little wart over here to go with the happy little scar...
by Cirrocco

The Green Goblin prepares for his Episode 2 cameo.
by Darth Lairdman

Many Star Wars characters were profusly beaten with an ugly stick as the above photo shows
by Darth Poop

"Next on The Othe Half..."
by The Unposted Menace

Does this really need to be so detailed?
by enochbrandon

On the next Ricki Lake? Botox Disasters
by Kurt Marquart

this is the last time i come to this optometrist!!!
by Malo Koa

Remember to sand between coats.
by Jar Jar Bites

no enough makeup in the galaxy......
by stellar outlaw

by Joe Gwynn-Jones

"I've been sittin' here so long I feel like a vegetable.."
by Damon Whaley

"It came from under the bed"
by hi2u2

"Sir, when did you last visit the opticians?"
by Darth Icecream

*Tsk!* You know, you have SUCH good complexion, Mr. Alien! Do you tan?
by FOG|Bazooka_Joe

"L?Or?al eye liner - because you're woth it."
by Paranoid Android

"The wicked sith of the west?" "I don't care how good the emporer is he could never have forseen this!"
by The Black Knight

This will get you a girl for sure...
by Phillip T.

"Hey, get rid of that camera! They can't know that I wear make-up!"
by Darth_Guy

The people at the Department store make-up counters think they can make ANYONE look good!
by Chris Regina

Yes, it's true. The Green Goblin WILL be in Episode II...
by Darth Sane

Just...just pull my brush.
by Xizor the Master of Counter-Strike

You've got something really bad stuck in here...
by Xizor the Gamemaster

Got milk?
by Xizor the Green

You know Senate meetings are boring when the Senators need to paint on their eyes to look awake.
by Sreya

The Jolly Green Giants Ugly Little Brother
by Azeem

So. You ever do any fishing?
by Ashe

Because Im worth it?
by Tom Hill

Yeah, um, that would be my eye there. ::grumbles:: damn color contacts are so realistic these days
by Pyro Goddess


by Natilie portman before makeup.

See? Just a little foundation and no one will ever know you were in a horrible, disfiguring, hazardous waste related accident.
by Jude Simon

Are ylou an angel?

Are you an angel?

And just a little eye shadow here and you'll look just like Ewan McGregor's brother... well his long lost older, green, fat, bulbous nosed space-hobo brother.
by Karl Mamer

Green Guy - "So when I was at the casting call, they told me if this thing coming out of my head can be painted, and I said yes. And they asked if I have ever played a tree and I'm like...."
by AZ

I'm ready for my close-up
by Nate Jarrett

Tell You What After You Get Done With Me Can I Dress You Up As A Keebler Elf?
by Jerhhhh

Now you see a nice healthy pink turn to a sickening green...
by Adam Leisemann

When I'm done it's your turn okay?
by jedistooge

Creamed Spinach Head and the dufus with the dorky black glasses...and we all hoped we'd never see them again.
by Skaiwalkuh

Alright dude. You have exactly three milliseconds to get the paintbrush AWAY FROM MY EYE, or suffer the consequences...namely, death by spinach.
by Skaiwalkuh

Sigmund the Sea Monster has lost a LOT of weight for his AOTC cameo...
by Gidman

these two were separated at birth
by PandaBaba101

by Daniel

Ok Master Yoda, I'm almost through with your Makeover. Think the Guys on the Council will reconize me do you?
by Rainbow Six: Rogue Saber

Have you tried our anti-blemishing cream. It does wonders!
by Darth Yo'Mama

It appears the eyes have it...
by Rob S.

Geez dave, I only had to put on some fake blood for the costume party. I didn't want this.
by Chibi Pez

Okay, we'll just pop this sucker out...
by Rob

You know I was going to be one of the Jedi but I spelt Darth Lucas's coffee
by stormnut

If he pokes me in the eye one more time, I'll bite him!
by Jeda

by Zero C

"My what pretty eyes you have..."
by Zero C

"This magic moment..."
by Zero C

I'm hoping you can add a little green to my complexion.
by John yaya

I've been dying to get this lasic surgery done.
by John yaya

"And over here by the eye, we'll paint another happy tree. Now, doesn't that tree look happy?"
by John yaya

We have been here for 5 hours so I can play my 3 second shot that will probably get cut anyways my agent sucks...bring me Ben Afflecks agent
by Sean McFadden

I may be ugly but at least I am not Jar Jar
by Sean McFadden

Winner of this year's "Make a pile of seaweed look like an alien" contest during the last minutes before judging.
by Willy Jeff

"Now with under 4 gallons of L'Oreal's wrinkle-reducer, we can have you looking 90 years old again!"
by Jedi Master Bob

I have a question for you. Said the Alain. Ok ask away said the makeup artiest. What aim I? Said the Alain
by Nicholas M. Tobin

You can't keep partying till all hours of the morning, Hayden!
by Spanky G

by trekkie09

You got a little something in your eye
by XMAN6884

Zis vust ve very pervect. Aaaahhhhh ves, my vaster piece is created!
by blake

Im real
by Eugene Cassar

by ggg

The Dianaga's giving actors bunny-ears again...
by Kenya Starflight

Rodian, Human, Whiphid...We can make you beautiful!
by Darth IndianaBond

"Oh, I bet you Monsters must meet the most iiiintereeesting people, Why I was saying to my Girlfriend (dip your fingers in the water, dearie) how you monsters must live such iiiiiinteeeresting lives.
by Austin


Awwwwwww! watch where you stick that thing mate!
by Kyber

Is that a bird on my head
by Tekka

Here, we see Phyllis Diller getting the final touches put on her make-up...
by Cirrocco

The true form of George Lucas before the cameras
by Greg Durron

It really brings out your eyes
by Joseph Spurgin

It really brings out your eyes
by Joseph Spurgin

Poke me in the eye with that again your bantha fodder, capice!
by telburnish@hotmail.com

The Beginning of the end
by Jose Ignacio

Next time try hypoallergennic makeup!!!
by Mike Gunther

"Are you sure that i'll look three years younger?"
by God57

Honey, this is doing nothing for your skin problem...
by Ryan

After upsetting the evil witch Padme had to kiss 10,000 frogs to find her prince
by The Black Knight

What Michael Jackson REALLY looks like without his makeup..
by Jedi Mango

I heard of CGI character painters but this...
by Eren

Brian thought his new bride could use a little make up.
by Babbune

Stop worrying. Nobody's gonna notice that you're wearing makeup.
by The Great Jedi Wannabe

It's one of those crazy foot soldiers from the Wizard of Oz!!!
by Scott Lincoln

A skilled Coruscant cosmetic surgeon attempts to reverse the results of a Jedi Academy fraternity prank gone seriously wrong.
by Keith

Perfect! You look just like my Mother-in-law!
by Darth Jorin

The Wicked Witch of the West prepares for her cameo in Episode II (why did you think witches wear pointy hats?).
by Keith

"So, like, I told my agent he could tell them to shove their rubber-masked 'orc' part where the sun don't shine, and got a job here instead. Then I found out what my costume was..."
by Keith

Dude, that's my f***ing eyeball
by A6Louie

One of the senators got a piece of a landspeeder in his eye
by Crystal/Freddie

Careful, you might turn into stone...
by Aaron



"SSSSerioussly ssssweetie, do you know how long it's going to take to make you look like a HUMAN!?"
by Logo Catcher

Bob, I told you not to roll around in the peanut butter! The worms get all over you!
by Jaux

"I'm going to stick you in the eye with this large object...ok?
by Nick

More green for Yoda's mom!!!
by Obi-Wan Del Toro


Guy on left: You sure this beauty makeup will make me more popular? Right: Ooooohhh yeah....
by Chris Verge

May your boss be with you!
by Raf-Man

by Jared Ward

Can you believe they went with Willem DeFoe over me???
by Darth Ged

AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! MY EYE!!!! It burns, it burns!!!!!
by Darth Ged

Ever since the accident, Yoda was never the same.
by Darth Ged

"Why can't I just have glasses like you?"
by Ded Ocohtber

yes im married to the most wonderful man, maby you have heard of him, his name is swamp thing
by chance brown

Linda Tripp gets a makeover
by Darth Sharp Pointy Objects

green really isn't your color...
by JacobGBC

Painting guy: Ok. What does this remind you of? "While I'm doin' my thing, it's doin' its.
by Sonicnate

I "really" think that you would look more menacing with one eye!
by Steven Beane

"This stuff does come off, right???"
by Mara Jinn

"So does this botox have any side effects???"
by Sehyor

Damn, you're ugly!
by Anonymous 9

Darling sit still while Aunty Kevin makes you look beautiful.
by Darth Tom

"GEEEEZ Fred!!! That's one hell of a splinter!!!"
by Count Dooki

hes got the urge! hes got the urge to herbal!
by Jon

...And the challenger, fighting out of the blue corner.......The Greeeeeennn Goobliiiiinnnnn
by Mike Gunther

easy on the eyes, i don't want to look cheap on a first date
by noepie

This really bring out the colour of your beautiful eyes
by Lilu

This model light sabres get stuck everywhere
by Jon Bundy

The Jolly Green Giant gets prepared for his deput role in Star Wars: Attack of the Green
by Princess Julie

*Pinochio* I'm a REAL monster!
by Hibar


"Well lets see, oh wait you can't"
by Ray

Cher, Before the makeup goes on.
by Captain Chris

"You see, the pen is mightier than the light sabre."
by upperthorax

"I'll eat your soul... no wait... I'll ingest your soul... nope, hold on... I'll swallow your pride! No..."
by Alex "The Butterman" Wheill

"A little to the left...there you go!"
by Si-Adi-Mundi

This is the last warning, one more time you poke me in the eye, i'll eat your brains.
by Romeo of NDF

Are you sure this is a Jenny Jones makover?
by Dancin Homer

touch my eye and I will eat you
by mljedi

This eyeliner really brings out the beutiful green of your skin
by blue maxx

what do you think? Too mutch blusher?
by blue maxx

Musn't forget to dot the i's
by Dave Stevens

"Mom, here let me help you with that."
by Hand Solo

Warwick Davies' stunt double prepares for "leprechaun 7".
by Han Duo

seriously though these split ends are horrible whoever did this to you should be stopped and beaten with a wet noodle by either me or my friend Adams
by Babe Ruth aka Cacious Clay

seriously though these split ends are horrible whoever did this to you should be stopped and beaten with a wet noodle by either me or my friend Adams
by Babe Ruth aka Cacious Clay

Now I know it smells bad, but I swear we got it straight out of a sew I mean swimming pond
by Ryan Barclay

"Okay, what we're going to do here is apply some laytex and make-up so you can blend in the film with the other extras made up to look like humans; and we gotta saw that thing off your head."
by Keith Burch 'Vader's Jester'

Um, this is soo weird, but how 'bout you be Han Solo to my Leia?
by Sakura

"Will you get that thing out of my eye!"
by Obi-Jon

"Will you get that thing out of my eye!" "Hold on im jiust about... done."
by Obi-Jon

Does this rag make me look fat?
by The Great Jedi Wannabe

It's not easy... bein green..
by Ken Benobi

Now hold still while I gouge your eyes out.
by AK

Oh sure, he's got a makeup artist, but without pants he can't get too far.
by AWK

Making Medusa in the Morning
by Rohan Vehreles

get that rectal thermometer out of my ear
by janice

Being an ugly human, kadi gave his life savings to be transformed into a "nice" looking space alien
by Darth Vladalator

The difference is clear... Clear eyes! wow.
by Obi one

Hey. Back off buddy. I'm green.
by Phil McCutchen

"I knew I could sneak N'Sync" in here somehow...
by Greg Frakes

Two seconds after this picture was taken . . . the alien ate the make-up artist.
by Darth Bob

"This bantha dung does wonders for your skin!"
by MiniMac

Let me check for glahcoma.
by DJ Hot Wheel

(I wish he would get that brush out of my eye)
by Blurred

Geez, that gray hair and goatee makes you look HORRIBLE, Dave.
by Logray X

"OK,guess which ones in Star wars: Attack of the clones"
by zealmatraa

"Well, you're all ready for your secret cameo, Mr. Fatone. Now about our...ahem...arrangement..."
by Captain EO

And you say this is going to make me look younger?
by Richard Moody

somebodu got up on the wrong side of the force this morning
by pitt penguin

Now if this baby won't beat the Mona Lisa...
by Lyra

"You know what? You look like my Moma!"

No, with this makeup, no one will be able to tell you're the creature from the Black Lagoon's cousin.
by Miana Kenobi

you`ve got something on your face. Oh wait, that is your face
by Dustin Amans

" Why am I getting Make Up? Am I not beutiful enough already?"
by Darth Idiot

Now, we're going to make you look like a human ok?

Passel Argente:How bad is it,Doc? Doctor:You'll live.But next time your wallet gets sucked into a Podracer engine,don't stick your face in to look for it.
by Mars Guo

God man! Your lucky you came to me, the snot retractor, when you did or it would cover all over your face, whoops too late already did HA!
by Krytie2000

Trust me, you'll look just like Yoda after I'm through with you." They never saw the make-up artist again.
by Novi-Wan Kenobi

If this acne treatment works, you'll be my hero!
by Novi-Wan Kenobi

Me: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
by Jonathan

here we see Rosie O'Donnell as she gets her makeup applied.
by Mr.Maul

Thats not the contact-lense your looking for....
by Jedi Wannabe

ya know honey with that coloring.....you could really pull of the Naboo Swamp fashion review!
by darth missunderstood

"When I said I wanted a new eye colour, I hadn't expected this..."
by Cadbury Wookie

mmmmmmmmm........... tasty
by kenobi0004

and now a sneak peak at the new George Lucas school of beatuy!!
by obi-one ka-mon i wan-alaya

And TFN's servers crashed as a million viewers entered Mona Lisa jokes
by IonFizzle

Yes, this is the very latest fashion. Straight from coruscant
by james

"Connect the dots..." "OWW! That's my eye!"
by Boba Tea Fett

Whoa, dude! We can't let you on the set like that! You badly need a makeup job!
by Exar Kun

"Man, you like so need a makeover!"
by Princess Leah

It's amazing what a little Mary Kay can do!
by Jedi Sapharin

Getting revenge the makeup person "modifies" Padmes look
by Fett 53

Props to you TFN no way to work a finger pull or TK-421 into this one
by The Black Knight

Behind the Music: Swamp Thing
by ComicKook

Looks like you got something in your eye there.
by Alexander Meseguer

I love you!
by T. Wong

by Rainbow Six: Rogue Saber

"I look like a cross between Yoda and Jar Jar Binks man!"
by Obi Wannabe

News: Protestors gather for their annual " Save the Newt " rally. This year, police are awaiting them with Q-tips and cans of PepperSpray...
by BrenDarklighter

Green Alien: HURRY UP! My date is waiting and I'm hardly ugly enough!
by Kadabra790

The hands-down winner of the "Best face-painting booth" award at the Naboo Galactic Fair.
by Luke 24:1-12

"oops!" "oops what do you mean oops"
by kenob

Even though Stefan had promised a full makeover, Ugluk just didn't feel pretty enough...
by jedi tyson

OK sweetie, I am now going to aply a little eye shadow to highlite your lovely features. Who does your hair by the way, I think it's just fabulous!
by Darth_Stevious

Though the makeup artist would never admit it, he didn't think that the makeover was going to do his customer much good...
by Jedi Thespian

Now this will take years off your face, but there is 1 side effect that I should have mentioned...
by TeK

by victor

you know if this whole starwars doesn't work out you can still go for the role of the green giant
by obi-vic-kenobi

What have I TOLD YOU about jumping in the Endor swamps!
by Jerad

Careful... Carefullll.... OH MY EYE!!!
by Jerad

There are no ents in Star Wars!!
by lord of the jedi rings

"You know, Stan Winston would be done by now."
by Geoff Franklin

MY EYE!!!!

Wait, this is a Star Wars set isn't it? Damn I'm ment to be in Deep Space 9 in 20 minutes!
by Darth Roach

...and so I says to the guy, "No I won't, you've gotta pull MY finger this time"
by Darth Roach

OK Dan, now as soon as im done with your eye, run into the girls shower
guys, get the cameras ready.
by Corey Garst

Now, which color makes me look sexier? (said with gay lisp)
by jedi masta

Rick MacCallum getting ready for Celebration 2.
by Gengis Khan

A cruel trick to play on your daughters first date. 'Helping' her with her makeup
by IonFizzle

"Now I'm gonna paint your eyes, we only got latex base left, so its gonna sting a bit....."
by Mojo Jojo

You have very beautiful eyes, you know that.
by SW fan

"I don't know why you're going to all this trouble. You're only going to CGI over me anyway."
by Evil Leprechaun

get that darn thing out of my eye
by pdkube

The Incredible Sith? or Dr. David Banner? you decide!
by The Black Knight

I waited and auditioned for hours only to be painted to look like S#!T
by Darth Obi-Wes

"It's this shoot for LOTR then straight on over to sabotage the Episode 2 set."
by David Orr

I didn't know Swamp Thing was from that galaxy!
by Freak_Show1

For some strange reason the artist felt himself turning to stone!
by Lang

Just cuz i look ugly you dont have to pok my eye out geezz

Queen Amidala outfits that didn't make it
by Grey

The real story behind little green men...
by Sage Jedi

remeber you promised to make me beautiful
by zachary

....then I realized that Wearing your hemp is alot better than keeping a stash ....
by Dark Peon of the Sith

"So, Sexy... you come here often?"
by Darth LoverBoy

this man has asked star wars producers to make him look like Yoda
by Ed

Don't hate me because i'm beautiful!
by Jedi4Christ

"Just apply this ointment twice a day until that fungal infection clears up... oh sorry, that's your face."
by Sick Boy

"You think this make-up makes you sweaty and uncomfortable? Just wait 'til you read George's Press Release about The Backstreet Boys being slotted to appear in Episode 3!"
by Darth Disappointment

"So ur saying that I put on to much makeup??"
by Ed

Swamp Thing gets a makeover.
by Greg "Bucket Head" M.

"Now let's see if I remember how to do this... With all that CG crap, I haven't touched a REAL person in years."
by Bobo Fett

Dooooon't bliiiink... DON"T BLI- OOOOUCH
by SpazzDelivery@yahoo

So your job is "Eye painting"?
by GoldenBlade

"George is going to be soooo pissed off at us when he wakes up...."
by Keith

"Please don't look at me like that." "Why not?" "It makes me feel uncomfortable."
by Keith

Having had problems with people overheating in their alien costumes during shooting for Episode I, Lucasfilm cunningly incorporated an air vent into those used in Episode II.
by Keith

by Keith


No, really! You're a very pretty girl! Pretty girl... Pretty Girl...
by Frank A. Tropea

"Damn it! I told lucas we wouldn't be able to get the real Jolly Green Giant. You think he'll notice a difference?"
by Darth Clayne

Oh man, ho
by Moltar

Oh man, they made me loose a contact!
by Moltar

by Duke Chase The Rich Smuggeler

"Thanks, man. While you're at it, could you kick me in the crotch?"
by Stevey-Wan Kenobi

if only yoda was this well done...
by sal durrani

an unsuspecting being is being attacked by the unruly rabies smitten makeup artist...
by sal durrani

is that a stick in your eye or are u just happy to see me
by skycop0007

Hey! You could put an eye out with that!
by Sage Jedi

hey hey! Watch the eyes!
by star wars

Not quite Swamp Thing enough....
by Erin

"are you SURE this color blush goes good with my complexions!?"
by Sara

"This will really bring out that humongous zit on your forehead!"
by Princess Solo

"O my! Who Ever did this blush was JUST terrible! Honestly!
by Jedi Stuntman

"OK, when you are done I want my skin to come out the same color as yours"
by boso yal

I want yellow eyes, they really bring out the color of my skin
by boso mir

"It's not easy being green"
by boso moi

"Touch my eye and you are dead"
by boso death

Wow, this tree really looks like a man, now
by boso soso

That is not a paintbrush you are holding. You will write, direct and produce 4 movies set in a galaxy far far away
by boso bi

'Does it hurt when I do this ?" *Pokes him in the eye*
by boso nova

And after you've done me, I will do you, so that we can blend in with the locals in this strange place they call Caliph-ornia
by boso frag

But are you sure a dark lord of the sith should look like this ?
by boso jeli

Rebel spies are preparing to hide in the trees. Watch where you step when you go in the forest.
by boso nat

Ok this make up will work for a little will but if you wanna get some you're going to need some serious plastic surgery.
by the jedi bum

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo UGLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
by the thing

Told you dont BLINK... now it stuck... damnit !!!
by Pak

Now, just one more highlight, and voila!! Swamp Thing goes Star Wars!
by ssaiinnnter

Next time could you have painted my eyes FIRST?
by Faid

Why is it that everytime I want to talk about "us" you have to touch up my make up?
by Caleb Armstrong

"This mascara really emphasises your eyes", "you think so?"
by Anthony Wright

A Twilek You Say? I Have to Start Over!
by Bill Smith

Don't move! You have something in your eye. Let me get that nerf out of your eye.
by deafJedi

oh i don't know, do you think it'll make my cheeks look fat?
by Jim Carter

Oops... sorry sir. Mr. Lucas, it happened again!
by Dave Brown

Whoa, these new 3D paints are awesome.
by Ptodgekin

So help me, if you poke me in the eye with that....
by Mikel_Antilles

If I poke out both your eyes, then you'll find yourself attractive
by Brendan (Red)

Remember, the only part of your body that can't be too fat, is your eyelashes!
by Jon Ivar Larsen

I'm a Chiquita banana and I'm here to say....
by Lord Malakite

Martha Stewart gets a touch-up before her cameo in Episode 2.
by Chris Conner

"Oooo... that's a nasty zit. Don't want the camera to see that!"
by Chris Conner

If you poke me one more time in my eye, i'm gonna....GAH!!
by Jason Weiss

New from Hasbro! Paint by numbers life-size alien action figure!!
by Chris Conner

Lame pick up line of the week: "Hey baby, I like the way you put on make-up. Wanna go out sometime?"
by Eliza

"your beautiful just beautiful"
by ryaca alcin

has anyone ever told you, you look like a big peice od spinage"
by ryaca alcin

"you see honey this is what happens when you forget to take of your clensing mask"
by ryaca alcin

Clear Eyes....gets the red out
by Sarah

Backstage at the Ms. Tatooine Pageant
by Juan Marquez

I don't want my eyes green, make the blue.
by Amidala9189

Atleast you could have painted me blue, now I look like someone out of a Star Trek Movie
by the guy, with the hair

Alas Avocado Man was quickly taken off the script for Star Wars III
by Cereal Killer

Lokkie the Wookie
by "No I think I litte more to the left...

keep still knob head!
by yoho ahoy

Here, you've got some bantha saliva in your eye....
by jamie

If you don't stop, I'm gonna eat you...and your family...and your little dog too!
by Invidi

"Look, kid, there's a REASON Lucas hired me to appear 'as is'..."
by Darth Billybobjoe

Free facials at Coruscant Macy's.
by Megatron

Crazy Bernie's rendition of "Cher" finally got him fired from the Wax Museum
by Jeremy S.

Putting on makeup for the Yoda car crash sequence.
by Jedi Master Egan

"If you get that in my eye, I'm turning you into a Newt."
by The Black Knight

I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Lucas.
by Greg Saum

Well R2, you've got *something* jammed in there pretty tight...
by L'osche

Liza sits down in the makeup chair to get ready for her wedding
by Chris Langford

Stop You're Getting Me Turned On
by Wolfman


Oops ! Was that your eye ?
by Ionixus

Cher undergoes yet another style change.
by Sandwalker44

Your the Diet Coke of evil, only one calorie, not quite evil enough.
by Rick Riewaldt

No one was really sure about the scene where Bobba Fett revealed his true face, but Renaldo, the makeup artist, loved him just the same.
by A-Moore

Trust me, human girls love a man in eye shadow.
by Darth Smeg

(Mad scientist:)(shown on right)Mwahahaha I have created a hidious ,evil monster. (Monster;shown on left):(in a high piched voice) eek
by Duke Chase

A never-before-seen behind the scenes look at Queen Jamillia!!
by Mara Jinn

The future least-desirable action figure.
by Mara Jinn

What'd you mean Yoda's CGI?!?
by C2-N11

"Now, let's get that flesh tone on so you can pass as a human."
by Tigress

Rehearsing lines while sitting for make-up: "I'll get you, my pretty... and your little droid too!"
by Darth2-D2

George - "hey Jim wernt you supose to paint him Red?" Jim - "%$#&"
by Remy

DAD! Stop that! I'm good and ugly now. Stop! You're embarrassing me!
by ssyoda

"So...how long have you worked for Avon?"
by Trevor Homer

"OW! Hey who the **** are you?? I'm late for the senate meeting and you're stabbing me in the eye with a paintbrush??"
by Darth Name

Yoda's mom getting a touch up
by Rogue Sith Knight

Now remember, this makeup is to remain on your face form at least 24 hours. ACTOR: WHAT??????
by Cpt Gunray

Look I told you im not a doctor.

if you don't take that thing out of my eye, I am going to spit green ooze on you
by Bob


I'm melting I'm melting!!!!
by Ki-Adi-Sushi

This, my friends, is why Hutts don't want to loose weight. This poor thing is a victim of Darth Craig's scourage across Nal Hutta.
by Tenniru

Hold on, you got something in your eye. Let me get it out with my paintbrush...........
by DarthCute

"Man look at me this StarWars art class really stinks!"
by ed

"oww, my eye, dangit, so much for the element of suprise, i was gonna scare lucas so hed come up with a better title
by Wookiehunter

Next time, paint the contact before you put it in.
by Dark54555

Ahh yes, the art of boogers...
by NJ0 Hisan Inaksin


I love it when you look at me that way...here let me put your eye back in.
by STorm'n Norm'n

Quality Control: WE HAVE A PROBLEM
by Travis

Something somwhere has gone terribly wrong
by Jeff Humpe

Wig $79, Goofy fin on head $55, Knowing that your Nose is painted on straight - Pricless. For everything else theres Lucas Arts Make-up

Wig $79, Goofy fin on head $55, Knowing that your Nose is painted on straight - Pricless. For everything else theres Lucas Arts Make-up
by Obi-wan Tednobi

Impreial scientists learn something that secretaries have known for years. When you make a copy of a copy of a copy, you lose quality
by Kranek

Republic Technoglies: We make the Clones that make wars work
by Kranek

Oh... So im not a Clone?
by Obi-wan Tednobi

Options: 1. We make 100 million battle hardend clones and fight them off or.... 2. We make 100 of these ugly ones and scare them off.
by Kranek


Kickin ur ass!!
by Christy