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Williams at Boston Pops Report

Posted By Paul on May 27, 1999

Reader Jubal Harshaw reports in...

Hi. I just returned home from the "world concert premiere" of a few TPM songs. Most of this you probably know...

John Williams is conducting for the concerts on the 26th, 27th, 28th. TPM songs are at the end of the concert. According to the program, The Flag Parade and Duel of the Fates are played all three nights. On the 28th, Anakin's Theme is also listed as being performed between the two. The show on the 27th is the one that is going to be taped for PBS. Also according to the program, Williams will again be conducting on June 3rd and 4th and unspecified TPM music is listed as being in the concert.

As for the concert itself, someone needs to come by and wipe the silly grin off my face. I got the ticket last week and only singles were left. I knew the theme was movie music, but they weren't the Williams standard movie themes (Superman, Jaws, etc.) Lots of songs from older movies including Gone With the Wind, Ben-Hur, and The Adventures of Robin Hood (most definitely NOT to be confused with that Kevin Costner movie). Itzhak Perlman was only supposed to play for the taped show on the 27th, but he played tonight as well -- much to the delight of the crowd. When it finally did get to the TPM music, Williams didn't say a thing. He just started into The Flag Parade. The Pops did a great job with it. Then he picked up the microphone and (as the Tanglewood Festival Chorus filed in) he started telling us how this was the first public performance of Duel of the Fates. Hearing the song for the first time on a bootleg MP3 was good, hearing it in the movie was even better, but hearing it with a live orchestra and a live chorus with John Williams conducting -- unbelievable. The crowd gave a standing ovation and Williams came back to the podium. I thought he might encore with Anakin's Theme or some other new piece, but instead I had to "settle" for the Star Wars theme from ANH. :-)

IF you are in the Boston area, there still might be some singles left -- especially for the 28th. I'm not too sure about the June concerts.

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