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ILM Contributions To The Last Airbender

Posted By Mike on June 22, 2010

io9.com takes a look at "7 cool special effects" that Industrial Light & Magic has created for The Last Airbender film. The Nickelodeon series that has spawned the upcoming film is already considered a distant cousin to The Clone Wars since Dave Filoni previously worked on the animated show. The two franchises get just a little closer now that the wizards at ILM have added their touch to the live-action adaptation. Check out the intro below and then click here for the full article.

"The Last Airbender will carve a new path in visual effects, showing you things no movie ever has: water tentacles and gusts of fire. We visited Industrial Light and Magic, and saw what every other movie will be copying soon.

Whether Airbender satisfies fans of the classic Nickelodeon cartoon, and whether it succeeds in being a Star Wars for a new generation, one thing's clear after spending the day at ILM: It's going to be an innovative film from a VFX perspective, maybe as groundbreaking as The Matrix was in its day. Here are seven things the ILM team showed a group of visiting reporters a couple of months ago:"

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