Tatooine is where it all began, and we will be taken back to the desert planet in Episode 1. Most of the Tatooine scenes were shot in Tunisia in August, '97. The crew also went back to Tunisia for reshoots in January, '98.

These are some pictures of Tunisia, taken by Lucasfilm when they were scouting it for filming locations. The pictures were released in Star Wars Insider #29. The adobe structures are apparently called "ksars".

© 1997 LucasFilm Ltd.

Mos Espa

Many of our sources have told us that a city called "Mos Espa" will figure heavily in the Tatooine part of the movie. Much of our pictures and information on Tunisia came from an informant known as Delta-Source, who originally contacted Chris Kivlehan at his old site and was introduced to us when Chris joined us.

Well, Lucasfilm registered both mosespa.com and mosespa.net today. They are not active yet, but they are claimed by Lucasfilm at Internic. So, unless people want to chalk this up to disinformation, too, then we'd say this verifies another report seen here and on other prequel web sites. Mos Espa is the town we've been seeing in the Tatooine production shots from Tunisia.

Map of Mos Espa Harry Knowles received some pictures which appeared in a German magazine. The reporters apparently flew over the shooting site in a hot-air balloon and snapped some pictures. Click on the thumbnail to the right to see a map that they made of the set. I'm currently working on a more comprehensive map of Mos Espa.

Here are some various places in Mos Espa that may be important:

Watto's Junk Shop? Watto's Junk Shop: Delta-Source sent us information about this shop, which is owned by Watto. Behind the shop is Watto's Junk Yard. The German map leads me to speculate that the location pictured at right (a larger version can be seen by clicking on it) is Watto's Shop. The picture was taken by Delta-Source on the Tunisia set in August '97.

The Arena: Delta-Source was the first one to tell us about the Arena, which is supposedly located just outside of Mos Espa. The Arena has a Grandstand and a "starting grid" for racing. This will be where the Pod Race is held. For more information on the race, read our other prequel sections.

Watto Box Our Bothan Spy sent us a new picture of Watto's private box in the Tatooine arena (more revealing than the picture of it on the official site). Aparently, the image of a face on the "monitor" is actually just a hologram. Click here for a larger version.

Sebulba's Cafe: According to Delta-Source, there was a scene which took place at Sebulba's Cafe. Nothing else is known about it at this time.

The Slave Quarters: A number of shots were filmed at what was referred to as the "Slave Quarters". What is this place? And what do its owners use as slaves? It has also been officially announced that Mos Espa has "Prison Quarters".

Jira's Fruit Stand: According to our spy Valorum, a girl named Jira has a fruit stand in Mos Espa. One of the two pictures below (taken by Delta-Source) is the stand:

Here are some more unofficial pictures of Mos Espa taken by Delta-Source:

Here are some more unofficial pictures of Mos Espa from that German magazine:

Here are some official pictures of Mos Espa from the French LucasFilm magazine, the Insider, and the Official Star Wars site:

© 1997 LucasFilm Ltd.

The Skywalker Home

The Official Star Wars site (www.starwars.com) released a number of pictures taken from inside the Skywalker home. So do they live in Mos Espa, or somewhere else on Tatooine? That remains to be seen. At any rate, the pictures below depict their kitchen and Anakin's bedroom. Click the thumbnails to view a larger image.

Kitchen Bedroom Another view

The Desert Mesa
Some of the Tatooine scenes in Episode 1 take place not in Mos Espa, but out in the open desert. Delta-Source provided us with a picture (at right) of the sweeping Tatooine deserts, dotted occasionally with moisture vaporators.

A great duel takes place in the desert. This picture was taken by a French journalist, and appeared in the French PREMIERE magazine.

Pictures of the Tunisia desert sets

These unofficial pictures come from that German magazine, and show junk and wreckage strewn about. More of Watto's junk?

These pictures (from the same magazine) show entrances to underground dwellings of some kind.

And one last picture from the French LucasFilm magazine:

© 1997 LucasFilm Ltd.


Thanks to Nigel Forbes for forwarding the following report from today's Daily Mirror, a British tabloid newspaper.


George Lucas has splashed out ?100,000 on a 15-mile square piece of desert in Tunisia for the latest Star Wars film.

A film worker said: "He bought the land because it means he can blow it up and do whatever he wants on it. He is making three more Star Wars movies so it's a worthwhile investment."

Now don't go assuming this means that portions of Tatooine are blown up. It's possible this is just the film workers choice of words.  However this is the first implication that we've seen that implies a Tatooine setting in Episode's II & III.  Stay tuned to TheForce.net for more!