9/30/97 - Angus Hughes sent us this off the British Channel 4 Teletext. From his description, it sounds like a televised newspaper. Anyway, most of the article is baloney, but I believe the lines attributed to Stamp are credible. We'll see:

"Veteran screen actor Terence Stamp has become one of the most powerful men in the Universe - for two days only. Stamp, 58, plays the president of the galaxy for the first of the new Star Wars trilogy being filmed at Leavesdon Studios, Hertfordshire. The Wall Street star admits it was so good he wanted to carry on working with the movie's leads Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson. Terence Stamp's latest movie "Balance of the Force" the first of the Star Wars prequels, is set for release in May 1999 with George Lucas directing. The second film will follow in 2001 and the third in 2003. Stamp said "It was only a cough and a spit part as it was done over two days. I was the president of the universe or something. It was quite a good part, fitting my status as a citizen of the global village." Veteran actor Terence Stamp has told how he would have liked a much bigger part in the Star Wars Trilogy prequel, Balance of the Force. He says "I was jealous of Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson and Natalie Portman because it would have been such fun to be there fr the whole shoot. But I only had two days."

8/22/97 - You're not gonna believe me on this one. Above, you see Terence Stamp selling his own vegetarian chips. Seriously! Bobafett found it at UK Vegetarian Society. Wierd, eh? Wonder if they'll have little SW toys in them when the prequels come out. :)

8/16/97 - OK, a lot of people have been writing in about the Stamp/Tarkin debate. Many have supported my theories, but the rest have a different idea. They say that actors don't always play characters that are their own ages. Take, for example, Sean Connery playing Indiana Jones father. There's no way that Sean Connery is old enough to be Harrison Ford's father, but he still pulled it off. Good point, right? Also, many people have said that Peter Cushing looks MUCH older than Obi-Wan. Look how old and sunken faced Tarkin is! He has got to be older! But I still have to stick to my blasters. Yes, actors can play characters +/- 10 years their real age without make-up. But I still say Stamp is too old for the part of Tarkin. As some people have been speculating, Adrian Dunbar is more the right age for Tarkin. And one final note, there's not one bit of evidence that says Stamp is playing Tarkin. Everywhere you look, people say they got the revelation from the A&M page or they just flat out say it without support. I think this is another case of idle speculation being turned into 'fact'. But time will tell!

8/15/97 - OK, something is fishy. We got our report that Terence Stamp was Tarkin from Nooga Ja on Harry Knowles' Reader's Forum. Nooga claimed that he was at the San Diego convention and was told that Stamp was Tarkin. But check this math out. It does not add up. Follow closely: Alec Guiness was born in 1914. Peter Cushing was born in 1913. That means that in A New Hope, Tarkin and Kenobi were about the same age. Follow so far? Well, Terence Stamp was born in 1939. Ewan McGregor was born in 1971. That means they are about 30 years apart in age. How could Stamp possibly play Tarkin? The characters are suppost to be the same age! It don't add up any way you look at it! So, it seems that the information was bogus. Don't know why, but it appears that Stamp is NOT Tarkin, in our opinion. Also look at the fact that in NONE of the official publications has there been reference to Stamp's role. Stay Tuned.

8/16/97 - The bounty Hunter Boba Fett found the following picture of Terence Stamp on the BLISS movie homepage. There is a full biography of him there in the cast list that is pretty interesting.

7/18/97 - News is finally starting to trickle out of the San Diego Convention! Turns out that Terence Stamp will play Grand Moff Tarkin!! Guess Darin was right and I was wrong, eh? Don't rub it in! More details to follow! This came from Nooga Ja on Harry Knowles' Reader Forum.

Terence Stamp - Played General Zod in Superman 2 and a drag queen in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Wierd, eh? But Darin, and a few people on the newsgroups, say he looks like a Young Tarkin. Anyone else agree? However, Obi-Wan was older than Tarkin in ANH, but Ewan is younger than Stamp, so this is probably not the case. Want to see something really bizarre? You know how the E! Online interview talked about Ewan McGregor's....er.....lightsaber? Well this site talks about Terence Stamp's Boobs. I kid you not. Maybe stamps is playing the Evil Jedi in drag? Star Wars for the 90's?!?

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