Warwick Davis

Warwick Davis

Brian Linder, 6:30 PM EST

TheForce.net is proud to present an exclusive interview with actor Warwick Davis! Visit Cellblock 1138 to see Warwick's thoughts on everything from Ewoks to Episode I!

12/10/97 - One of our sources heard a little bit about Warwick Davis. The source says that Warwick plays 3 characters (one a Jedi) rather than 7 as he previously reported. Whatever the number is, it is apparent that he plays more than one character.

9/17/97 - We have just received word that Warwick Davis actually plays 4 characters in Episode 1! No word on what exactly all of them are, but if I remember the conversation right, 2 of them were Jedi Knights. (We talked about a lot of stuff.) Don't quote me on that yet, though.

9/15/97 - We have received extremely convincing proof that rumors of Davis' Character's name is true. His name is apparently Wald. More details later.

9/11/97 - We have heard from England that Warwick Davis was filming for the prequels last week and this week. I hope to meet him in person at the end of the month and get some info from him. Unfortunately, the U.S. Government is refusing to let him or Kenny Baker into the country for the show!! Arrrgghh! What do they have against little people? Hopefully it will be worked out.

The 2/3/97 issue of People has an article on where the old Star Wars actors are now. Warwick Davis (Wicket, Willow) says, "I have official word that I will be involved (in the prequels)." Also, Kenny Baker (R2-D2) says of the prequels "If R2-D2 is in the movie, I'll be in the movie. That's what George Lucas told me." There you have it!

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