
Name: Boba Fett
Played by: Unknown
Species: Human
Status: Mandalorian
Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Unknown
Political Affiliation: Mandalorians
Weapon of Choice: Mandalorian Armor
Vehicle of Choice: Slave 1
Boba Fett
©1997 LucasFilm Ltd.

The Facts

From the Star Wars Insider #39, Rick McCallum said, "He (Boba Fett) is definitely going to play a part in Episode 2. There's not much else I can tell you about Episode 2, since George will not sit down to start writing it until this summer."

From the Official Star Wars site, a quote from George Lucas: "As for the possibility of other classic characters appearing in the new trilogy, we had the chance to ask George Lucas recently about a certain very popular bounty hunter. "Boba Fett doesn't show up in Episode I," Lucas commented, "but he has a prominent role in Episode II." Anything else about Episode II he'd care to let us know while he's at it? Lucas smiles. "No."

Maury Komins found this interesting one on Boba Fett.

I was recently leafing thru my old Bantha Tracks issues when I found some interesting info. about Mr. Fett. Volume 2, #1, whole # 5, Summer '79 introduced Boba Fett like this:

'Not much is known about Boba Fett. He wears part of the uniform of the Imperial Shocktroopers, warriors from the olden time. Shocktroopers came from the far side of the galaxy and there aren't many of them left. They were wiped out by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars. Whether he was a Shocktrooper or not is unknown.. Part of what makes good as he is are the special modifications he has made to his Shocktrooper's armor...'

I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or if it is even still adhered to. I've heard about his Mandalorian roots, but haven't been aware of the whole Shocktrooper thing until this reminiscence.

Spy Reports

08/25/98: QVC REPORT

10:35 AM EDT

Black Leader sent this in to us. We didn't see the show ourselves, but I'm sure someone out there can confirm or deny this.

At approxamately 11:45pm EDT on August 24 on QVC, a Star Wars show was airing, hosted by an employee and collector Steven Sansweet. The employee said: "Although Boba Fett will not be in Episode I, he will be a major character in Episode II, ya know, with the Clone Wars and stuff...." Sansweet immediately tried to cover it up, but earlier he DID say that there was something on the employees "research sheet" that had not been released to the public yet.....

We all pretty much expect to see the Clone Wars in Episode 2, so not a big deal if the guy did slip. Don't kill him Steve! :)


12/17/98 - This almost more of a "wouldn't it be cool if..." rather than speculation. Ed Holden noticed that Obi-Wan has a braid, right? We know at the end of Episode 1, Obi-Wan cuts off his braid and gives it to Anakin, so it obviously has some sort of significance the the Jedi, correct? Who else has a braid in the Star Wars Universe? Boba Fett! However, it is fairly well known that the braids on Boba Fett's armor are trophy Wookiee scalps. Wouldn't it be cool if those were braids from a Jedi Wookiee that Boba Fett defeats? Imagine a Wookiee Jedi trying to keep the Mandalorians from enslaving his race, fighting to the death. Before he kills him, he cuts off the Wookiee Jedi's braid as a trophy. That would be groovy.