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From Vanity Fair, Feb. 1999


Adam Leach just sent us some scans from the newest British Star Wars magazine. Adam also summarized some of the more interesting parts of the magazine.

"Lastly, Liam Neeson is interviewed (Damn good buy this magazine!). He talks about basing the way he approached the role like it was something like a samurai or suchlike. He talked about Ahmed best being a fantastic choice to play the CG character. He has apparently been very inventive.

"Also, he says about a scene where they (he and McGregor presumably) are in a cockpit together. He describes that now-familiar feeling of feeling "odd" saying serious dialogue in such a fantasy setting. He describes the fact that it made every sci-fi series flash through his mind, and that makes it very difficult to keep a straight face."


Steven M. Myhre pointed out to us that Liam Neeson, who plays Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in Episode 1, is in this month's GQ magazine. Here's what he sent us:

Among the persons commenting on his abilities besides Liam himself is George Lucas. Even though I just scanned the article, one quote from Lucas really stood out: "Liam is the kind of master actor who other actors look up to." (or something like that). If you haven't picked up one or two copies yet, do so.

Also, Chris McCarron reported to us that Ewan McGregor was recently at the Scottish Film Festival. If anyone can send us more info on what took place there, we'd appreciate it!

9/18/97 - The following theory was brought to us by Aubrey Alexander. I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not and I have no way to verify it, but it is an interesting side note:

"If it's the same as chi-gongzhen it effectively refers to Iron Shirt chu'an fa. The D'ung ue ippe master would say Jhee gung Zhen(g) almost a Gee sound on the end but not really, like bung with a clipped gee. Most people know that Obi-Wan means Great Belt. What if Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon arn't names as much as Jedi titles. Student names, perhaps... Where one was Great Belt (Rank, Standing, Honor... A belt is important) Iron Shirt would be like an immovable force. Iron was regarded as almost unbendable to the chineese. Since all of the rumors going around about Darth being a Sith title, I thought I' d mention this."

9/15/97 - We have recieved extremely convincing proof that rumors of Neeson's Character's name is true. His name is apparently Qui-Gon Jinn. We are pronouncing it KWEE-GONE JEN until we hear something official.

7/31/97 - The mysterious Mode has heard about Liam Neeson's character's name! He says that it is Talkron! Does that name sound familiar? It might! That name was mentioned in some news from Harry Knowles about a reading for the part of 'Bonjok'. Stay tuned as we investigate this more!

6/8/97 - 9pm Central - The one and only John Putman saved the day for us and sent these pictures from the Entertainment Tonight Prequel segment from 6/6/97.

Liam Neeson as Obi-Wan's Mentor (Yes, mentor)......

This article was sent to us by Jay Majer from Variety (pic by Scott Chitwood)

"Any thoughts on this one? Either this is once again a case of the media taking net rumors as fact, or it's the real deal (though still unconfirmed by Lucasfilm). Here it is from today's Variety, once again in the Dish section:

DISH: Liam Neeson Eyed For 'Star Wars' Prequel

By Michael Fleming

NEW YORK (Variety) - After several meetings with George Lucas, Liam Neeson has emerged as the top choice for the starring role in the first new Star Wars prequel, sources said.

He'll play a new character, the master Jedi knight. A deal for Neeson, who is said to have tested with several unknowns who hope to play other lead roles, could be sealed shortly.

Lucas, who wrote the script for the first of the next three Star Wars films and plans to direct it this fall at Leavesden Studios in London, has been meeting with numerous actors for various roles. That includes Trainspotting star Ewan McGregor, who has met with Lucas for the role of the young Obi Wan Kenobi, who was played as an aging Jedi master in the original Star Wars film by Alec Guinness.

Sources said Neeson and Lucas have met for a character who was not in the original trio of films, but is the main character in the first new one.

Though Lucas' script has been a tightly guarded secret, sources said Neeson would play a role much like the one Guinness played in Star Wars, a mentor for the young knights.

A spokeswoman for Lucas denied any final decisions had been made by the director: "Absolutely no one has been cast in this film," she said. She acknowledged Lucas has been meeting many actors, but wouldn't specifically comment on Neeson.

The Irish star is currently playing Jean Valjean in Mandalay's Les Miserables, but landing the pivotal role in Lucas' next film could be his biggest achievement since playing Oskar Schindler.

Harry Knowles has posted more rumors on this new character, but they are spoilers! You have been warned! Click here to check 'em out!