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Lucas Keynote Speaker at SIGGRAPH

Posted By Britany on March 2, 2005

Press Release

George Lucas to be Keynote Speaker at SIGGRAPH 2005 Conference

World-renowned director, producer, and screenwriter George Lucas will present the SIGGRAPH 2005 keynote address, "George Lucas: A Keynote Q&A with the Father of Digital Cinema," on 1 August during the 32nd International Conference on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques, 31 July to 4 August 2005 in Los Angeles.

"Lucas' remarkable storytelling and cinematic technical achievements have awed and inspired the computer graphics community for more than 30 years," said James L. Mohler, SIGGRAPH 2005 Conference Chair from Purdue University. "Drawing from his three decades of experience making movies, Lucas' insights promise to intrigue and engage conference attendees across all industries and interests."

Lucas is the creator of the phenomenally successful Star Wars saga and Indiana Jones series, and the themes of his films underscore his own firm belief that the individual has boundless potential, and can overcome any limitations. While these themes are strong in his early films, "THX 1138" (1971) and "American Graffiti" (1973), it was Lucas' third film, 1977's "Star Wars" that changed everything. An epic tale of good versus evil told across a fantastic landscape of exotic planets and bizarre creatures, "Star Wars" became an international phenomenon. Refusing to accept the limitations of filmmaking at the time, Lucas created his own visual effects company, Industrial Light & Magic, to deliver the more than 300 shots required to make his vision a reality.

Lucas has been the storywriter and executive producer of a series of box-office hits beginning in the 1980s, starting with the continuation of the Star Wars saga. In 1981, he created the classic adventurer Indiana Jones, and co-wrote and executive-produced the successful series that won eight Academy Awards. Later, a television series, "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles," won 12 Emmy Awards.

In addition to his motion-picture and television work, Lucas has worked with Disney to create such theme park attractions as Star Tours and The Indiana Jones Adventure. He has also produced such acclaimed motion pictures as "Tucker: The Man and His Dream," "Willow," and "Mishima." In 1999, Lucas wrote and directed "Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace," the top box office hit of that year. Three years later, "Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones," was the first major live-action movie to be shot entirely digitally. Lucas is currently in post production on the third and final prequel, "Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith," which will be released worldwide on 19 May.

Lucas is also chairman of Lucasfilm Ltd., a fully integrated entertainment company that, in addition to its motion-picture production activities, includes Industrial Light & Magic, LucasArts, Lucas Licensing and Skywalker Sound.

Lucas has also taken a leadership role in applying his technical and storytelling expertise to the classroom, engaging students through interactive multimedia environments. He is Chairman of the Board of the George Lucas Educational Foundation, and serves on the board of the Film Foundation and the USC School of Cinema-Television Advisory Board.

In 1992, the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences honored George Lucas with the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award, which is presented to "creative producers whose bodies of work reflect a consistently high quality of motion picture production."

Over 25,000 computer graphics and interactive technology professionals from six continents will gather at SIGGRAPH 2005 to showcase their best work to a multi-disciplinary international community. A comprehensive technical program and special events focusing on research, art, animation, games, interactivity, and the web are planned. SIGGRAPH 2005 includes a three-day exhibition of products and services for the computer graphics and interactive marketplace from 2 - 4 August 2005.

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