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Jeremy Bulloch in Dr Who Play

Posted By Britany on March 27, 2005

Press Release (from Hyde Fundraisers):


Star Wars actor Jeremy Bulloch makes a guest appearance in the forthcoming 'TRIAL OF DAVROS' being staged at Tameside Hippodrome on July 16th. Jeremy, well known for playing Bounty Hunter Boba Fett in Star Wars Episodes 4,5 and 6, plays the role of Chairman Delegate Skellon at a conference of aliens uniting to fight THE DALEKS! This will be one of the specially recorded evidence scenes to be screened during the show which illustrates some of the great evil that Davros's creations have achieved.

The TRIAL has several specially recorded segments to interact with the live stageshow starring actor Terry Molloy who portrayed Davros in 'Dr Who' in the 1980's. Advising the production is David Maloney who directed some of the classic episodes of the series including 'GENESIS OF THE DALEKS' and 'THE DEADLY ASASSIN' as well as Producing 3 series of the cult show BLAKE'S 7.

Apart from the STAR WARS series Jeremy Bulloch has appeared in the DR WHO tv series opposite William Hartnell in THE SPACE MUSEUM and with Jon Pertwee in THE TIME WARRIOR. His other credits include regular character Smithers in the Roger Moore James Bond films and Edward of Wickham in HTV's ROBIN OF SHERWOOD. Jeremy will also be appearing in STAR WARS EPISODE 3:REVENGE OF THE SITH as an Alderaan pilot. Hyde Fundraisers are delighted to have Jeremy's support with the project which will be raising funds for BBC CHILDREN IN NEED & the NSPCC.

For further details about THE TRIAL OF DAVROS visit

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CEII: Jabba's Palace Reunion - Massive Guest Announcements
Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
10 new guests announced!

Star Wars Celebration VII In Orlando?
Posted By Chris on May 3, 2013:
Story updated inside

John Morton Added To Dallas Comic-Con Lineup
Posted By Chris on April 26, 2013:
May 17-19 in Irving, TX

Disney "Limited Time Magic" Star Wars Event On May 4th
Posted By Chris on April 26, 2013:
Exclusives, dancing & fireworks!

Bulloch & Baker Confirm Star Wars Weekends Attendance
Posted By Chris on April 25, 2013:
Bulloch via site, Bradley via Twitter

Bonnie Piesse At Vancouver Mall
Posted By Chris on April 23, 2013:
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Posted By Chris on April 19, 2013:
Roseville, MN from May 3rd - 5th

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