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CV: Robot Chicken Panel Report

Posted By Mike on August 17, 2010

Here are the notes from Saturday's Robot Chicken panel that included the creators bringing out a special guest...

Panelists: Seth Green, Matt Senreich and Tom Root

- Things kicked off with a clip video featuring highlights from Robot Chicken: Star Wars I and II.

- We got a preview of Robot Chicken: Star Wars III, though since production just started, we saw a lot of it through voices and concept sketches.

- RC:SW Episode III tells more of a linnear tale than its predecessors. We'll see the OT from the Imperial side of things through the eyes of Palpatine, Vader, Boba and Gary the Stormtrooper

- Seth Green mentions while it was great to be front and center in the audience at the Main Event, it's funny how George Lucas keeps referring to the upcoming Star Wars animated series as being for 5 year olds. Seth says he'll be doing damage control for the next 2 years.

- Prune Face will be in RC:SW III

- Todd Grimes is brought on stage and introduced as the director of the upcoming new Star Wars animated series. He has already assembled writers with criedts that include Spongebob, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Family Guy and Battlestar Galactica.

Notes from the fan Q&A:

- They did a parody of Seth Green's movie Idol Hands where the hands weren't the ones that were possesed.

- When considering sketches the main question they as is will it be relevent.

- Won't be making the show longer due to the tedious nature of stop-motion animation

- It takes 11 months to complete one season.

- Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III will be an hour long special.

- During the first season, the cast and crew did a little of everything. Now the roles are more clearly defined.

- Seth and Matt are Mom and Dad of the show while Tom is the child of the Force or is like the funny roommate in Real Genius.

- When asked who they would want to play in Star Wars? Tom - Salacious Crumb; Todd - Luke; Matt - The Emperor; Seth - Wuher

- There's a joke in the third Robot Chicken: Star Wars special that's very similar to one in the upcoming new Family Guy ROTJ parody but the jokes are taken in different directions.

UPDATE: Starwars.com has added a panel report from the Robot Chicken panel on Friday, which included Joey Fatone.

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